
sedan 2001

Borås Månadstävling November *** Fredag 7-Dec-2018 kl. 19:00


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  • Stad: Götet
Novembers månadstävling spelas fredag 7-Dec-2018 klockan 19:00

Vi kör progressive strikes. Antal strikes kan justeras beroende på antal deltagare.


Progressive strikes with four-player groups (0-1-2-3 strikes on each game). Ten strikes. We continue until there are eight players left.

Playoffs: Top eight (if 16 players). Four-player groups on three machines in semis and finals.

Number of strikes could change depending on number of players.

TGP should be 100% with 16 players.

Open to players of all abilities. Come play some pinball with us and earn some world pinball player ranking points.

The tournament will be held at Bryggaregatan 20 in Boras. Location opens at 18:00.
Cost 200kr. All machines on free play.

Ingen föranmälan. Var på plats innan 19:00.

Eventuella ändringar kommer postas här.
« Senast ändrad: november 05, 2018, 22:01:54 av DDH »


  • Hero Member
  • *****
    • Antal inlägg: 1145
    • Visa profil
  • Stad: Götet
Här är vinnarna hittils från 2018

1. HLJ
2. KO
3. APA
4. IFK
5. INK
6. JG
7. PMB
8. JCJ
9. OPT
10. PB
11. ?

Oktobers resultat
