sedan 2001
Why should it be a suprise?Look, every time a new Stern pin comes out here's how it works:1.Guy from Austrailia tells us the title. People say he's wrong.2. A few months later, title is confirmed. People bitch or say they areexcited.3. First few crappy pictures come out. "This could be my first NIB game!" manyexclaim, without ever playing it or seeing good pictures. Others say it lookslike it sucks, without playing it or seeing good pictures.4. Game finally hits location/homes. Reviews are mixed, and of course there arenumerous tech problems. Those who bought one sight unseen tell us it's the bestgame ever, they will never get rid of it for a billion years, and course theirfriends love it more than the TZ it is right next to, yadda yadda yadda.5. All those idiots who laid out 4K for a game sight unseen start trying tounload what just turned out to be another decent game. They have their orderfilled out for the next new game of course.