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Spiderman är ett utmärkt spel enligt min mening. Jag fick lite T3-känsla, fast bättre, när jag började lira Spiderman.

Även FG är ett skönt spel.
På vårat FG så är höger outlanestolpe maxad (tycks bara finnas två lägen för den stolpen) och vänster outlanestolpe är i mittenläget.

Till skillnad från Spiderman's outlanestolpars factory-placeringar.
Bally Hagman
För övrigt, så bör alla Dr Who spel skrotas


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Som sagt: äntligen gjorde Steve Ritchie skäl för namnet "king of flow" efter Elvis & WPT (och till viss mån T3) som haft alldeles för lite av den varan. Riktigt skönt när man får på en lång combo-serie.


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Svante Det finns bra flow i T3 om man går mycket på ramperna samt vänsterloop om man inte har nåt tänt där.
Bally Hagman
För övrigt, så bör alla Dr Who spel skrotas


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Börjat cirkulera lite rykten om att en ny SW-uppdatering till Spider-Man är nära.


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Ryktet säger att Ole sålt ett SM Black Edition redan.


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mr mic

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Trevligt:-)Ingen som har fina bilder på blacken,Dom som Svantemannen la in gick ju inte se nått hur spelet såg ut:-D


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Varför finns det ett "Black Edition"?

Jag har inte gluttat på dessa filmer. Hade jag gjort det, så kanske jag inte hade behövt fråga - eller...

Har det ngt med "evil" att göra?
« Senast ändrad: oktober 12, 2007, 11:21:19 av COCS »
Carl Olof Christian Sjöberg
Tel: 0707-19 31 45


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Nu finns en beta-version av 1.83 till Spider-man. Nyheter är framför allt att fler modes (M.J., Daily Bugle har animeringar & ljud), Bonesaw har nytt intro, slutsiffra-animering, vita pilarna lyser med olika styrka för att visa om man har 2x/3x på det skottet, nya combo-animeringar mm.

Spider-Man 1.83-beta

Text från Lyman:

I am not going to have time to test and release the version in all languages before I leave for Pittsburgh tomorrow morning and I do not want to risk putting something out that is not more thoroughly tested.  I am also unsure about the change I made to the white arrows to show the status of the 2x/3x for the shots and want some more time to think about that.  In the meantime, if people would like to provide feedback, that would be great.  This version is not a guarded secret so anyone and everyone can let others know about it if they so desire.  It will be removed when I release what will be 1.9 in the normal way after I return from Pittsburgh.

There are still quite a few things that need some work.  Most of them are in the animation/speech area.  These will all hopefully get sorted out and completed in time for Spider-Man Black in early/mid November.
I will hopefully hand out 2.0 around that time and then most likely another minor incremental version at the end of November after the Thanksgiving holiday.

Thanks everyone.

- Lyman


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Jag får fråga igen, för jag är nyfiken:

Varför finns det ett "Black Edition"?
Carl Olof Christian Sjöberg
Tel: 0707-19 31 45


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Andrahandsuppgifter: SM klädde sig i svart i en av filmerna eller om det var så att han fick en kompis som hade svart dräkt... En svart Spiderman har iaf förekommit i en av filmerna. Har jag hört.


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Spiderman blir "angripen" av en svart symbiot i Spiderman 3 och får därigenom en svart dräkt. Dräkten/Symbioten har ett eget liv och påverkar Spiderman negativt. Han blir mer aggresiv och råare. Han blir av med symbioten genom att utsätta den för högt ljud. Symbioten hittar då en annan värd i Eddie Brock och de blir då Venom. Låter kanske lite rörigt om man inte är insatt i hela historien. :-)


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Spiderman 1.9 släppt förra veckan om nån missat det:

Spider-Man V1.9 - October 31, 2007 - System V1.32

Changes since version 1.7:

Filled out installs tables.

Added some screams to the "Rescue MJ" award display effects.

Added some sounds back to the mode awards.

Ball search is now put off (for the default amount of time) at the
end of all choreography effects.  This keeps ball search away at the
end of long effects (Battle Royale, for instance).

Added art and speech for "Daily Bugle".  This is still extremely rough
and will be worked on again at a later date.  Cleaned up the music for
the start of Venom #1, Battle Royale, and Super Hero.  The music was
not always starting at the same time the display effects were started
(due to Update being asynchronous).  These have been corrected.

Added some instructions to the mode background display effects.
Roughed in a display effect for the start of "Daily Bugle".

Fixed "BALL LOCKED" spelling for Spanish.

Added a lamp effect for BS multiball super jackpot lit.  Added a
background lamp effect for BS multiball super jackpot lit.  Changed the
BS multiball super jackpot lamp effect to be more in the flavor of
"ball locked", "multiball start", "jackpot", etc.

Cleaned up the attract mode logo artwork.  Added some artwork to attract
mode (Spider-Man).  Reworked the white arrow lamps (update + 2x, 3x
collected).  Added "real" lamp effects for BS multiball jackpot and super
jackpot awards.

Bonesaw mode now uses outline fonts for the background.  Changed the
edge spacing on the timers for the mode background display effects.

Added some speech for when the start button is pressed with no credits.
Ball save speech now says "Play Better" on MEDIUM or higher insult level.
Added some speech for tilt.  This goes against my better judgment, but
there ARE some cool quotes.  The Amazing Spider-Man mode now has a simple
animation and some instructions.  Extra ball now scores 5 million points,
and special now scores 25 million points.

Changed 'attract mode hight score to date' to display the name of
the H.S.T.D. in the 5X5 font, instead of the 6X8 font.  This overrides
the system version.  The spider sense awards for the modes now add
more time to the mode timer, if possible.

Increased the default ball search delay time from 10 seconds to 12
seconds.  The BS multiball start music no longer loops.  Added a
lamp effect for the start of BS multiball.

Fixed sound faders taking too long to be restored.  Added artwork for
combos.  Added speech for "The Amazing Spider-Man" mode.  Cleaned up
"Bonesaw" start display effect (mostly the speech).  Switch hits for
Bonesaw now not awarded until the start display effect is out of the

Fixed waiting for speech during Battle Royale and modes.  Added artwork
for "Bonesaw" and "The Amazing Spider-Man" modes.

Bonus now quiets the music track before sending out the 'nice bonus'
speech.  Doc Ock super jackpot lit now flashes the Doc Ock flasher to
draw attention to the shot for super jackpot.  Added 'jackpot' and
'super jackpot' speech.  Added light shows.  The match effect now
quiets all sound tracks before running.

Roughed in a 'game over' lamp effect.  If the bonus display effect sends
out any 'nice bonus' speech, then it waits for the speech to finish before

Speech in all languages resampled down to 12kHz.

Ball search was not being delayed long enough during certain choreography
sequences to keep the ball search from running when a ball was held in a
kickout.  This has been corrected.  The replay display effect was saying
"Way to go kid, you just won a free game" during instances where a free
game was not awarded.  This has been corrected.  Added artwork for match.

Added a way to cancel and resume the player language select.

Added display effects, lamp effects, and sound effects to the "Rescue MJ"
mode.  Mode "out of time" speech now starts sooner.  MJ lamps now blink
according to how much time is left before the shot will change.  New MJ
shots are no longer added if a shot is scored during the grace period.

*** System Changes since V1.30:

Fixed a problem with ball search.  If a request was made to put off
ball search for a smaller amount of time than a larger value that was
already timing down, then the smaller amount of time would overwrite
the larger amount of time, which would often result in ball search
occurring when it should not.  This has been corrected.

Fixed a problem with font rendering.  If the font character information
happened to be in a different flash memory bank than the font character
image data, then the characters would be rendered incorrectly (they
would be clipped off the screen due to garbage horizontal and vertical
offsets being read from the wrong flash memory bank).  This has been

The process system has been modified to allow processes to be created
and killed from the termination function associated with a process.  To
date, only Spider-Man pinball uses this technique, and the re-entrancy
problems caused by doing so would occasionally cause the game to reboot
in the middle of gameplay (usually during one of the Doc Ock multiballs
stacked together with a Sandman battle and/or BS multiball).  This has
been corrected.

Shortened the tilt sound, as there was a lot of dead space at the end
of the sound.

Added an error for a request to set the hardware attenuation to an
out of range value.

Fixed the foreign language versions of the 'DISPLAY HELP SCREEN' messages
in the tournament submenu.

Fixed a problem with the '1' (one) character in the 7x10 outline
font.  The character was not the same width as the rest of the numeric
characters.  This has been corrected.

Fixed the 'custom' tournament setup such that it is possible to
set up a high score tournament with only 1 prize.  Bump 'N' Win
tournaments are still a minimum of 2 prizes (one for the high
score, and one for a single position in the Bump 'N' Win table).

Added new Norway pricing.


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Jag skulle tycka det var kul om någon ville knåpa ihop en snabbguide till Spiderman.

Min enda erfarenhet är att det är grymt bra att starta multibollar samtidigt och även ha ett mode igång, gärna Daily bugle.

Men som speltaktik för höga poäng - ligger det något i att blint satsa på att komma till finalen eller kan man helt enkelt flowspela lite och ta allt som det kommer? Jag spelar bara på lokala baren lite då och då (visserligen får man 5 spel för 2 euro och knack ligger på 54) och det har helt enkelt aldrig blivit något av att lägga upp en redig taktik.

PS: jag tänkte först lägga denna post i "spelguider", men spiderman är ju nytt osv och har till och med en egen tråd. Kanske är bättre att prata lite allmänt istället för att brassa på med guider direkt?
