sedan 2001
Depending on reflexing, your game may begin with the Flashlight spotted. If you complete the Gold Rush, it will reset to the items you began with. That is, if the machine spots the Flashlight at the beginning of the game, it will spot it towards the second Gold Rush as well.
Unfortunatly it is software controlled (15%) with no operator adjustment.The only way to do it is to manually push the switch over and over till thegoldrush % is above 15 or install old roms with no vaca jackpot.
Set it to tournament mode. On reverting to non-tournament mode itwill stay like this, until it relexes back, I guess.
Presumably, when Whitewater decides it hasn't seen enough Gold Rush (that's what it's called, right?) multiballs, it starts you off with a flashlight already spotted.