”If during the score display internal test, the counting sequence is strange (i.e. 0,1,0,1,4,5,4,5,8,9 instead of 0,1,2,3,4,5,6 etc), there could be a problem with one of the address lines not being read correctly. If the problem moves when you swap displays, this means the MPU board is not the problem. Often the resistors R49 to R53 (20k) can be the problem (should be within 5% of 20k ohms), but also check for cracked solder joints at the header pins (a VERY common problem). The interesting thing is a bad display can affect the other displays. You may have to issolate the displays to find the bad one by plugging them into the game (with the game off) one at a time, and then running diagnostics.”
4543 avkodaren genererar även detta fel om den är defekt..