Popeye också...
Fish Tales - gula blixt
Dr Who - gula blixt
Popeye - vita blixt (syns även på backglasset)
BS Dracula - gula blixt (skulle tydligen varit röda vanliga)
White Water - vita vanliga, vita blixt som extradelar
Black Rose - svarta vanliga? det finns svarta blixt också, som tydligen hamnat på många..
Ibland sägs blixtflipprarna ha kombinerats med starkare (blå) flipper coils.
Men det är väl som Sponk säger. Frågan är om man vill ha spelet som det var designat, eller som det faktiskt kom ut. De flesta verkar väl tycka att spelen blir roligare/bättre om man byter tillbaks till vanliga flipper, eller?
Inte för att RGP är en ofelbar källa men:
"White Water spare parts package came with two extra white lightning bolt flippers, even though the game was assembled with normal white flippers."
http://groups.google.com/group/rec.games.pinball/msg/2e9b823c6bb5d155"I guess the plan was to use lightning bolts on the game, but someone had the good sense to put a stop to that plan. But the extra flippers
had to be gotten rid of somehow, right?"
http://groups.google.com/group/rec.games.pinball/msg/c150c44d596802bdMer om bakgrunden:
"Lightning flippers were not even invented at WMS, they were invented by this big euro distributor named Hans. Hans had this vision that if the flippers were shorter, ball times would be less, and the games would make more money. He put those fucking things on all his games out there from what I heard. He then conviced the geniuses in management at WMS to start using these little shits on some games, which they did, and it didn't really work out so well as we all know.
There was not a SINGLE GAME that was originally designed with those things. All the playfields were layed out with real flippers on them, and then later the decision to use the little shits was forced upon them. The one instance where this was not the case was fish tales, which was designed and tested with regular flippers and the first day of production was changed to lightning flippers by the designer because he all of a sudden thought the ball times might be too long, which they weren't, and it made the game play like shit. When a game's shots are designed around a flipper one length, taking 1/8 off each flipper drastically altars the way the game plays. It not only increases the chances at a drain - as was the vision - but it ruins the feel of the game. Eventually after a couple games, they gave up on those things. I'm not sure if they realized how much they sucked, or certain designers who weilded enough power just flat out refused to use them, but luckily they were abandoned, but only after it ruined the experience of 3 really good games (dr. who, dracula, and FT). Full size flippers wouldnt' have saved popeye, that was just a lost cause."
http://groups.google.com/group/rec.games.pinball/msg/fc981194dd68567bDe flesta på RGP verkar hata blixtflipprarna, men det finns de som älskar dem:
"I'm just curious if there is anyone who prefers the lightning flippers over the regular length flippers. I know the games were designed for the longer flippers but I think it was a nice change to the same old regular flippers. I'm sure the operators loved them because it made the game harder, but that's why I love them, especially for a home pinball machine. Why put the longer flippers on your home pin to make it easier on yourself? Wouldn't it be better to make the game a little harder to keep you coming back for more?"