Ibland är man lite lat :-P
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Overly Bright Lamps.
When a transistor or diode goes bad, generally it shorts on. If a transistor shorts on in the lamp matrix, it will make all the lamps in that row or column appear permanently on, and be very bright. This happens because the lamp matrix is actually +18 volts that is continually turned on and off, a row or column at a time. This nets a lower +6 volts that the lamps require. The lamps are never allowed to get full brightness at +18 volts before being switched off. If a transistor has shorted on, a row or column of lamps will be turned on for a longer time, and hence be brighter.
All the computer controlled lamps in the lamp matrix should flash in attract mode, or in the "All Lamps" diagnostic test. If a number of lamps are just on (and they aren't general illumination lamps), there may be a lamp matrix transistor problem.
If a number of lamps are out, check the bulbs and fuses first. If a number of lamps are stuck on, check the game manual and see if they are in the same row or column. If so, you can test the individual transistor (see the Testing Transistors and Coils section) before replacing it.
Skall kolla lite närmare på detta imorgon, jag hojtar till om jag fortsatt behöver hjälp.