Som sagt, GND SHORT står för kortslutning till jord, ROW 1 står för att felet ligger i översta raden i switchmatrisen (kolla i testmenyn), WHT BRN står för white-brown vilket är färgen på kabelslingan där felet ska ligga och vad R1 står för vet jag inte.
Men jag skulle börjat med att kolla alla switchar i rad 1 extra noga och den vit-bruna kabeln som går mellan dessa.
Eller så kan det ju vara en krets:
Row or Column "Ground Shorts" and the U20 Chip.
The CPU board's U20 chip ULN2803 is a common failure point for the switch matrix. If the game is reporting rows or columns as shorted to ground (especially multiple shorted rows or columns), often this U20 chip and downstream the 74LS374 chip at U14 (on WPC-95/WPC-S it's U23, a 74HC237/74HC4514 respectively) on the CPU board are usually the problem. Rarely the CPU board's LM339 chips fail too, where U18 controls rows 1,2,3,4, and U19 controls rows 5,6,7,8 (but replace U20 first followed by U14/U23, and then look at U18/U19 last). Another thing to remember is there's LM339 chips on the under-playfield mounted opto board(s). If there was a 50 volt coil power to switch short, often the LM339 chips on these opto board(s) can fail. Disconnect the opto board(s) and see if the problem changes. This will isolate the problem to a particular board. Remember Indy Jones to Demo Man uses a different trough opto board that has its own LM339 chips, and these can fail too (in addition to the *other* under-PF mounted opto board on these games).
Det här ovan och mycket annat finns att läsa