
sedan 2001

Modda Blixtflipprar


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Fast hon kallar det Zipperflippers.

Modda Blixtflipprar
Carl Olof Christian Sjöberg
Tel: 0707-19 31 45


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Va ??  Säger de inte "blixtflipprar" i USA menar Du ?  ;)

Snyggt ? nä , kan man inte bara...
"Varning! Vissa av mina inlägg kan innehålla spår av sarkasmer och ironi! Nötter kan sätta sådant i halsen."


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Pimp my Doc! ;-)
"Pinball ain´t no game
pinball ain´t no sport
pinball IS religion"


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Haha, nä, men hon borde väl kalla dessa för Lightning-flippers eller ???

Zipperflippers är väl såvitt jag vet, den typ av flipprar som 'skjuts ihop' som på t.ex. 'Bally 4 Million B.C.'.
Carl Olof Christian Sjöberg
Tel: 0707-19 31 45


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Dom heter "little shits" :D

Alltid like moro å lese om operatøren Hans i tråden på RGP  :)


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Kul läsning:

Lightning flippers were not even invented at WMS, they were invented by this big euro distributor named Hans. Hans had this vision that if the flippers were shorter, ball times would be less, and the games would make more money. He put those fucking things on all his games out there from what I heard. He then conviced the geniuses in management at WMS to start using these little shits on some games, which they did, and it didn't really work out so well as we all know.

There was not a SINGLE GAME that was originally designed with those things. All the playfields were layed out with real flippers on them, and then later the decision to use the little shits was forced upon them. The one instance where this was not the case was 'Fish Tales', which was designed and tested with regular flippers and the first day of production was changed to lightning flippers by the designer because he all of a sudden thought the ball times might be too long, which they weren't, and it made the game play like shit.
Carl Olof Christian Sjöberg
Tel: 0707-19 31 45


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Ja Blixtflipprar är verkligen skitprylar. Jag har rensat bort sånt skräp från mina spel.
Bally Hagman
För övrigt, så bör alla Dr Who spel skrotas
