Nu har jag installerat ett tillägg som gör det lite enklare att visa bilder direkt i inlägget.
Gör så här:
1. Skriv lite text.
2. Bifoga en bild (länk nedanför textrutan)
3. Någonstans i texten lägger du in koden nedan (se till att du skriver hakar [ och ] runt den:
attachment id=0
(Noll står för den första bilden, ett för den andra och så vidare)
attach ger en mindre bild som kan skalas upp vid klick, attachment ger en stor bild.
I övrigt hänvisar jag till dess dokumentation:
IntroductionThis mod adds the ability to position your attachments in either your forum post or your personal message post using BBCode (where n is the number of the attachment in the post, eg first = 0, second = 1).
NOTICE: In order to support inline attachments in personal messages (PMs) you are required to have the PM Attachments mod version 2.6 or later installed prior to this installation of this mod!!
New BBCodes
This mod supports 5 new BBCodes in order to position your attachments inline:
o attachment => Show full expanded picture
o attach => Show thumbnail, expandable to full picture
o attachthumb => Show thumbnail ONLY, not expandable
o attachmini => Show thumbnail, expandable to full picture
o attachurl => Shows attachment size, iamge dimensions, and download count; no picture
Allowed parameters:
id {attachment id} ID number of the attachment to show inline (NOT attachment number!)
width {width} Desired width of image to show. Valid: positive integers.
height {height} Desired height of image to show. Valid: positive integers.
float {float} Floats image to relation to everything else. Valid: left, right, center
margin {pixels} Margin around inline attachment. Valid: positive integers
margin-left {pixels} Left margin around inline attachment. Valid: positive integers
margin-right {pixels} Right margin around inline attachment. Valid: positive integers
margin-top {pixels} Top margin around inline attachment. Valid: positive integers
margin-bottom {pixels} Bottom margin around inline attachment. Valid: positive integers
border-style {style} Border style. Valid: none, dotted, dashed, solid, double, groove, ridge, inset, outset
border-width {pixels} Border width around inline attachment. Valid: positive integers
border-color {color} Border color. Valid formats: plain text, #xxx, #xxxxxx, rbg(d,d,d)
scale {answer} Override scaling of image. Valid: true, false, yes, no
msg {msg ID} Message ID number. Valid: positive integers.
In each case, {id} is the attachment number relative to the topic, {width} is the max desired width, {height} is the max desired height, {pixels} is the number of pixels surrounding the image, and {float} can be either left, right, or center. All text between the opening and closing attachment tags is discarded.