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Meddelanden - Roadshow16

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Tävlingar / SV: LPA Open 2024, 26-28 april - 300% TGP - Now 120 players
« skrivet: april 30, 2024, 12:41:36 »
Oh and congrats to AVD, truly incredible play, esspecially after being on the brink of exiting in the quarter finals. If he's wounded you have to finish him off otherwise he will come back and slaughter you!!

Tävlingar / SV: LPA Open 2024, 26-28 april - 300% TGP - Now 120 players
« skrivet: april 30, 2024, 12:26:50 »
Thank you for the hospitality, it was a very well run event with great people and the machines held up very well. All the British guys had great fun and the travel was pretty easy so that was great.

In terms of the format, I think it worked very well. One suggestion would be to have the classics on 3 balls like the modern games, I don't think 5 is needed personally and would reduce qualification time by quite a bit. But I did enjoy having 5 balls in the finals, so it's not a huge deal. Initially I thought that the finals should switch to 4/2/1/0 rather than staying with 3/2/1/0 as I thought there would be lots of tie breaks and also to really reward winning a game, but that also didn't seem to be too much of an issue. I'm very glad that you always played off to decide any ties, that is most definitely the correct way to deal with them. And as Mats said, perhaps the games could have been setup harder from the beginning, but as Pontus rightly said, that is the great thing about matchplay as you can change things between rounds, so I thought the organisers responded really well to try and change games between rounds.

I personally didn't feel like it was too crowded, I'm guessing it may have felt that way for regulars at LPA, but for someone visiting the first time it felt good, I've certainly played in much more crowded environments.

Thanks again, I will definitely come back in the future,


Tävlingar / SV: LPA Open 2024, 26-28 april - 300% TGP - Now 120 players
« skrivet: mars 29, 2024, 17:01:18 »
Any chance of an update on the games in each bank?

Thank you

Tävlingar / SV: LPA Open 2024, 26-28 april - 300% TGP
« skrivet: februari 01, 2024, 16:45:27 »
Ah yes of course, you already have the ECS boost, excellent! It's shaping up to be a fantastic event 😊

Tävlingar / SV: LPA Open 2024, 26-28 april - 300% TGP
« skrivet: februari 01, 2024, 15:31:38 »
Any chance of adding an additional 20 players from the waitlist and going to certified+ 350% TGP? All other criteria has been met. Completely understandable if the room simply isn't big enough, but thought it was worth asking seeing as you are already over that amount on the waitlist 😊

Sidor: 1