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Sidor: 1 ... 82 83 84 85 86 ... 159
Flippersnack / World Pinball Player Ranking
« skrivet: januari 31, 2006, 18:12:16 »
Egentligen räcker det väl om man baserar tävlingarnas klass efter antal spelare för att det ska bli hyfsat rättvist.

PAL: vad menar du med att EXPO är en stängd tävling? Är inte den öppen för alla? Visserligen har dom ju en manufacturer-klass som så klart är stängd för icke branschfolk, men vanliga tävlingen är väl öppen?

Och det är väl klart att fuskjänkarna vill ha classicspoäng kvar så som dom myglade på PAPA sist...

Flippersnack / Sörkka Pinball Open 2006
« skrivet: januari 31, 2006, 18:08:44 »
Inte helt omöjligt att jag hakar på lite beroende av om det funkar med jobb och sånt.

Flippersnack / World Pinball Player Ranking
« skrivet: januari 31, 2006, 16:14:40 »
Som sagt: rätt patetiskt att SM ger lika mycket poäng som Norska, Danska, Sörkka & Nossebro pinball masters :-D

Flippersnack / World Poker Tour
« skrivet: januari 31, 2006, 16:12:20 »
JYs slumpmässighet? Vad åsyftar du då? Keffiga regler: ja, men mer slumpmässigt än nåt annat spel är det väl inte. Skulle snarare säga WD & CP istället som är under av underliga slumpmässigheter...

Hårdvara / TS-mod
« skrivet: januari 30, 2006, 16:36:02 »
Jag kan intyga att Calms Shadowvägg är mycket fin, det spelet befinner sig nämligen numera i min ägo :-D

Flippersnack / Nån i stockholmsorådet som reparerar?
« skrivet: januari 30, 2006, 11:04:05 »
Jag rekommenderar flipperdoktorn Kan inte Stellan laga spelet kan ingen det...

Hehe, läste igen att du redan kände till Stellan :-P

Flippersnack / 3 olika TOM 3 väldigt varierande priser...
« skrivet: januari 29, 2006, 00:32:29 »
Jag ser det som så att ett spel är alltid värt precis så mycket som nån är beredd att betala...

Visst låter det för 20k rätt dyrt, men får han det sålt för det priset så var det uppenbarligen värt det för i alla fall en köpare.

Priserna sätts inte bara efter spelets skick utan även efter hur desperat man är att bli av med spelet. Har man ett spel på väg in och MÅSTE bli av med ett annat för golvutrymme och/eller pengar så kan det gå billigt, vill man bara känna av marknaden kan man lägga priset högt. Men som sagt, är 1 person beredd att betala ett högt pris så är det uppenbarligen ett helt rätt pris, annars kommer antagligen priset att sänkas :-)

Köpes / The Pinball Circus
« skrivet: januari 27, 2006, 14:05:24 »
Här har du tråden: pinball circus

Flippersnack / World Poker Tour
« skrivet: januari 27, 2006, 14:02:55 »
iofs är det inget krav att priset baserar sig på intäkterna i spelet (vilket nog som sagt är tveksamt om man får anordna i Sverige utan tillstånd) utan man kan koppla bort price-poolet i TOPS och skriva in som text att "vinnaren får en blöt kyss av MCR" eller nåt.

EDIT: så här står det på Sterns hemsida:

# Multiple tournament choices

   1. Progressive cash prizes
   2. Fixed cash prizes
   3. Non-cash prizes (tickets, mechandise, points, etc.)

Hårdvara / safecracker talar tyska
« skrivet: januari 26, 2006, 16:55:19 »
Suck. Om du bara behagar titta lite längre ner i mjukvaruforumet så finns det en tråd som heter "vem säljer rommar" eller nåt sånt. Jag har en stark aning om att du kan hitta ett par namn där...

Flippersnack / Nästa spel från Stern, POTC
« skrivet: januari 26, 2006, 13:57:05 »
Det är väl redan klart att nästa spel bli Pirates of the Carribean i design av Dennis Nordman...

Edit: attans, slagen av El Deco med 2 sekunder... Nåja, jag fick med Dennis i alla fall :-D

Flippersnack / World Poker Tour
« skrivet: januari 26, 2006, 13:10:03 »
Precis. Slutparagrafen om hur internet ger möjligheten att visa vilken idiot man är inför miljoner människor i ett millenium är fenomenal :-D

Tror och hoppas att WPT kan bli hur bra som helst med tanke på KEFs fenomenala regelverk till både TSPP & LOTR. Ingen som har några kontakter på Bjuvia som vet om dom tänker ta in den eller inte?

Flippersnack / World Poker Tour
« skrivet: januari 26, 2006, 10:39:50 »
En postning från R.G.P från Steve Ritchie om nya whitestarsystemet:

Gary, a few things need to be cleared up for you and others about
Stern's new system.  Our new game, WPT (my design) is the first pinball
on the new system.

The system is a huge improvement over the old system, you just don't
know it yet.  Here's the highlights:

The game never misses switch hits.  You get every point and far fewer
disappointments while playing.  This will be noticed, but not by all,
simply because that's the way any pinball machine should work.

Anyone, anywhere can download WPT updates, anytime.  Just plug in a
flash rom, press a few buttons,  unplug the flash rom and the new
software is installed.  The software will be available to download
online.  This is a huge advance.  No more trips to the distrib for
eproms.  Saves operators and owners' money, gas and time.

The system has vastly expanded memory which in turn allows us to create
far MORE of everything, rules, DMD effects, light effects, sounds,
speech, music, and far better and smoother interaction between each of
the above components.  The difference is staggering and will be
immediately noticed on WPT.

With the system memory expanded, it allows us to create far BETTER
rules, DMD effects, light effects, sounds, speech, music and physical
action on the playfield.  Processing speed seems to be faster, ball
response is faster & sharper, and the play is crisp and smooth.  Again,
the difference is absolutely noticeable on WPT.  Nothing is skimped-on.
 We don't have to eliminate frames from dmd effects, or limit anything
in software.  Speech, sound, and music are far better because we are
recording and playing back at higher rates.  None of this has been true
to WPT's degree on any system in the past.

The sound system is remarkably better.  I touched on reasons why it is
much higher quality, but the system actually working in WPT is
spectacular.  Everyone will notice the difference, and I will be
astounded if anyone says they don't like it.  Of course, it didn't hurt
that Chris Granner has produced his finest sound package in years, in
both technical and musical terms.  I also knew what I wanted to hear
and feel while playing WPT, and he delivered in spades.  Keith has had
his input as well, and his timing and sound choreography are superb.
Fidelity is far superior.  Crisp highs and big bass.  I am slowly going
deaf, but I can hear what's going on in this game far better than any
other, any time...  Come to think of it, Korn's BK2K might be the

TOPS is included in every WPT.  The self-contained tournament system
outputs to the DMD or you can purchase the back-box-top optional large
colored-dot display.  Press a few buttons, plug in a switch, and
*Viola'*..any WPT is instantly TOPS ready.

WPT contains multiple languages and multilingual speech in it's memory.
 It may help popularize our pins, and we have high hopes for a broader
player base, especially our Spanish-speaking friends.  This should be
important to anyone who loves pinball.  Expansion of our player base is
key to the health and well-being of pinball, and it's continued
production.  It's a great piece of work by Lonnie Ropp.

Every fuse has an LED associated with it, and you can see a blown fuse
at a glance.

No more diodes on coils.  I had to live down being famous for putting
the most diodes on backwards of anyone in engineering for years.  Glad
they are gone...

I have probably left some things out, but these are the bullet points.
The system isn't stereo, because true stereo means double memory, and
the difference while playing a stereo game is negligible.  It has been
tried and tested at Williams, and the truth is, no one cares.  There
has never been enough separation between the speakers to fully utilize
stereo.  Stereo has never added anything to the coinbox.  Good sound
quality and content absolutely adds to the coinbox!!

Lyman Sheats is the champion of the new system, and his work has been
tireless and excellent.  Not only is his operating system working very
well;  he has created some major improvements in diagnostics and
countless other areas.  Most players will never see or appreciate what
he has done in this area, but operators and techs will.  Very
importantly, Lyman has been the hardware watchdog, making sure that the
electronics work well and give the best performance of any pinball
system, ever.  He has succeeded.  Only a few people on rgp might grasp
what it takes to make a new pinball system, (nearly 2-1/2 years of
Lyman's work), especially a system as great as this.  Lyman has made a
huge contribution to PINBALL with this system.

Lyman, Keith Johnson, Lonnie, and others have worked like dogs to make
this system great.  Lyman has written a completely new operating
system, and it is a beautiful thing.  All the programmers had to learn
this new language, and it's my perception that for Keith, it has been
like learning Mandarin in one year with someone busily changing many
word's definitions at the same time as developing a remarkably fun
pinball machine.

Keith's work in this area has been tireless and diligent, and extremely
creative.  Keith has been the system guinea pig, finding bugs trying
out Lyman's stuff and has worked closely with Lyman to prove out the
system.  He's made a great ruleset that is fun and very original while
accomodating guys like me who don't play that well.  (Incidently, Keith
has been instrumental in making WPT my personal favorite to play since
ST:TNG.  He's intelligent and very talented, and WPT is probably his
best work.  The rules are deep, plentiful and he is writing more rules
as I type this!!!  He has been responsive to input as we all have been
on this game, making a very special pinball machine.  Working with
Keith has been one of the most fun pinball project experiences in my
career.  He never backs down or cheaps-out with his effort.  His total
focus is that of a seasoned pinball professional, knowing that
everything he does targets making players happy and satified.  His
ruleset is open-ended.  It will be tough to master everything he has
created.  WPT isn't going to get boring anytime soon.)

Stern Pinball is alive and well both here in Melrose Park, and *here*
in our hearts.  We have a bright future, and the new system is a part
of that future.  The Stern team has worked very hard to make the best
pinball machine possible.  Everyone from Gary Stern to the factory
workers is dedicated to making good pinball machines that are
profitable, fun, and entertaining.  The company is small, and it is
hard to hide incompetence.  What's left is a hardcore group of industry
professionals with long histories in coin-biz lore and success.  I am
proud of WPT.  I think you will find that WPT has a nice solid feel
that you might appreciate.  I will say no more, because it isn't my
place to tout my design.

I am not posting this to be defensive about our system or WPT.  The
product and system speak for themselves.

I am posting this because your grossly unfounded criticism before
seeing, understanding, or hearing the system is unacceptable on an
information level and based on wildly inaccurate data.  Should anyone
take your post(s) seriously, I am merely establishing the truth.

I do not speak for Lyman, Keith or any other person here at Stern, but
I am pretty sure they will do nothing more than chuckle when they read
your post.  As always, it is hard to take your posts seriously, because
you spew misinformation frequently and infamously.  This is a sad state
of affairs, and deserves my rebuttal at least this once.  I truly
believe many rgp'ers are rejoicing that I call you on your repeated
spreading of disinformation.  This kind of behavior detracts from
pinball, and is especially harmful to people new to the hobby who may
take your data at face value.  Is this your intention?  I was wondering
if I might ask you to stop posting disinformation.  Will you please
stop, Gary?

It's been said before, but this is my version:

Every one of us is entitled to our opinions and the right to post
anything we want, but we all might keep in mind that the internet has
provided each of us with the ability to look like fools as often as we
like, before an audience of millions, for a millenium.


Steve Ritchie

Hårdvara / Shoppningsfråga
« skrivet: januari 25, 2006, 16:59:05 »
lillaemil: om du har missat den så kan jag starkt rekommendera pinballarks DVD med shoppningstips så kan du själv bilda dig en uppfattning om hur mycket jobb det är.

Hårdvara / Gummin
« skrivet: januari 25, 2006, 16:57:11 »
Vi är inte osams. I sann demokratisk anda har vi bestämt att DAH har fel. Så, case closed.

Sidor: 1 ... 82 83 84 85 86 ... 159