Tävlingar / Classics-kvalet i Flipper-SM
« skrivet: november 13, 2008, 07:52:44 »
tider ? finns det nån stopptid.Jag tror det är bra så råkar man inte ut för onödiga diskussioner både vad det gäller grädde å räkmackor etc.
Denna sektion låter dig visa alla inlägg som denna medlem har skrivit. Observera att du bara kan se inlägg i områden som du har tillgång till. 166
Tävlingar / Classics-kvalet i Flipper-SM« skrivet: november 13, 2008, 07:52:44 »
tider ? finns det nån stopptid.Jag tror det är bra så råkar man inte ut för onödiga diskussioner både vad det gäller grädde å räkmackor etc.
Tävlingar / Flipper SM - detaljer?« skrivet: november 07, 2008, 07:14:44 »
![]() Ärligt talat så skrattar jag varje gång Dan gör ett inlägg nu angående hur in i helvete orättvist det är ...förklara gärna för mig hur det är orättvist att duktiga spelare slipper. ELLER NEJ! gör inte det:-D 168
Köpes / K: Ej fungerande SWE1 spel/spelplansdelar« skrivet: november 06, 2008, 20:23:17 »
Jag har letat efter ett tomt P2000 kabb ett tag. Skulle du veta om nått så snälla hör av dig ![]() 169
Tävlingar / Flipper SM - detaljer?« skrivet: november 04, 2008, 08:20:33 »
hmmm vi kanske skulle samla ihop till gräddfil åt Dan H? :-D
Tävlingar / Flipper SM - detaljer?« skrivet: oktober 31, 2008, 22:57:40 »
ffs som Ingemar Stenmark sa ....träning har gett mycket tur.
Ska Dan Hagman sitta å skrika om rättvist är classics rättvisa ? :-P 172
Övrigt / Ett gott skratt!« skrivet: oktober 24, 2008, 16:28:27 »
haha håller med :-D ingen "förbrödning" där inte :-P
Hårdvara / Problem med lampor i bumpers på Earthshaker!« skrivet: september 20, 2008, 11:55:02 »
Du är 100 på att det sitter där då ? så det inte bara är ett brott på en kabel? har du följt alla kablar hela vägen ?
jag har ju ett likadant ...vore ju lätt att skifta korten å testa så ser du ju direkt om det skulle vara det.Du vet var jag finns. 174
Köpes / Säljes Getaway och T2« skrivet: september 19, 2008, 21:59:52 »
MIC:Jag kan vara intresserad av Getaway
Hårdvara / Cirqus voltaire vilken rom?« skrivet: september 12, 2008, 15:43:44 »
Hagman verkar redan gått på det ser jag :-D eftersom det var MIT som skrev just det där.
Hårdvara / Cirqus voltaire vilken rom?« skrivet: september 12, 2008, 13:06:37 »
Här har du din latpick :-D
Hårdvara / Cirqus voltaire vilken rom?« skrivet: september 12, 2008, 13:06:11 »
his is version 2.0H of Cirqus Voltaire. This Home ROM is NOT an official
Williams release, and as such is not supported by that company. Version 2.0H of Cirqus Voltaire is an 8 megabit ROM (27C080 or equivalent), which is free only (will not accept coins). The checksum is: $B120 Changes since 1.4: - The ramp lockup test was NOT clearing the switch status flags when it started up, this has been fixed. - If the ramp magnet switch could not start the multiball start LAMP effect, but the display effect was running, it would re-run the display effect once the ball reached the lockup. This has been fixed. - Starting final mode now cancels the multiple jackpot. - Shots are ignored just after starting a new final mode phase. - Shots are ignored just after adding a ball in phase 3 of Join. - Added additional tilt check in ramp lockup code. - Added adjustment to install manual eddy boards. - Ringmaster is no longer down during sideshow, but IS down during video modes. - Added adjustment to allow all abort-friendly display effects to be aborted right from the start of the game. - Possible to abort most display effects. - Added adjustment to make Acrobats only spot from made switch on the ramp (instead of enter). - Added adjustment to enable the 'old' skill shot. Simple skill shot runs in tournament mode. - Added adjustment to enable timed Ringmaster mode. - Added adjustment to skip first Ringmaster defeat. - Added adjustment to stop Ringmaster magnet catching the ball after WOW. - Added Copy-Cat video mode. - Side-Show lamp effect now masks inlane lamps. - Neon multiball has a significantly reduced chance of running until one of the regular multiballs has been played. - Side show will try not to give out two video type modes in a row. - Added juggler sneaky lock on left loop. - Boom Balloon will attempt to lower itself if it registers hits while it should be down, and the ball is hitting other jets. - All multiballs can be restarted when quickly starting another multiball. (On an adjustment which defaults OFF). - Updated Cirqus Member time-stamp to reference from 2001, and system clock starts at 2002. - Created some presets for new adjustments. - Added 'Early' to game over kickout adjustment - It kicks during match/hstd processing. - Added adjustments to stop physical HighWire and Juggler locks. - New juggler lock and start lamp effects. - Diverter will switch position when balls in play decreases to 1 to free jams. (Adjustment sets frequency, or disables) - Added quick jackpot, lit from side-show. - Removed pinball hotline and web/email info from attract mode. :-( - Tweaked the speech for skill shot, Ringmaster and Hat-Trick. - Hat-Trick and Ringmaster modes now work correctly together. - Test Report messages regarding disabled hardware will only show up in Test mode .. Stopping DOT on home games. - BackBox Luck switch will not be marked bad if the backbox is disabled. (However it will still show up in the test report if it is bad.) - 'Load Cannon' award on the outlanes has been modified to give lower points. - Game restart is now correctly handled during Side Show. - Added delay to Boom Balloon timer so background display effect shows starting time. - Added feature adjustment to disable timed spot-marvel (off the inlane). - Added 'Clear Hardware Errors' utility. - Spot Marvel disabled while no marvels can be spotted. - Timed spot marvels (off the inlane) are not lit at all if no remaining marvels can be spotted. - Added music and speech when Join The Cirqus is ready. - Added new Join The Cirqus phase 'Acrobats Spin': Player must score 100 spins to win. Target spins set by new Feature Adjustment. - Added second Join The Cirqus phase: Player must score 3 million points (from roving hurry-ups) to win. Final score set by new Feature Adjustments. - New Cirqus phases played second time player reaches Join. Added new adjustment to set this. - Add ball/score to background display effect of phase 2 of Join The Cirqus. - Join The Cirqus intro display effects can be aborted at ball-start and the second (or more) time through. - Skill Shot lit at ball start, during Join The Cirqus to advance the mode. Ball is held during intro effects (which can be aborted). - Timer adjustments for Kangaroo Video mode and Cannon Fire Mode can be set to 'OFF' to disable these modes. - If all marvels except the Acrobats Marvel have been awarded, but the Acrobats mode is active, then that marvel will be spotted. - Added pause feature to the coin-door. Opening the door disables the flippers, stops mode timers, and starts a ball saver (2 seconds for each ball in play). Balls are re-launched once the door is closed. - Fixed some small glitches in the ball lock and multiball start lamp effects. - Removed 'Player One' speech during single player games. Ball serve speech only plays 5 times. - Modified Backbox disabled adjustment so that the time between kicks can also be set. Changed adjustment text to "BBOX. KICK DELAY". - Added more compensation logic to Highwire ramp: lock (or multiball) will be awarded if no scoring occurs 5 seconds after the ramp magnet releases the ball. This is so the player receives the correct lock/ multiball sequence even if a lockup switch is failing. - Improved Ringmaster Battle logic. - Diverter remains unenergized for several seconds after the wire-ramp enter switch. - Added feature adjustment 'QUICK ARC MBALL.'. When set YES, the ball will NOT be stopped on the ramp magnet when Strike An Arc Multiball is started along with a Highwire Multiball lock (or start). Description of Feature Adjustments. Since there are several new adjustments (and slight re-ordering of some of the existing ones), they will all be explained below. BALL SAVES This sets the number of times the ball will be saved. TIMED PLUNGER This can set a delay before the game will automatically plunge the ball into play. BALL SAVE TIME This sets the time (in seconds) for the ball save timer. This time is only used to save the number of balls set in the 'BALL SAVES' adjustment. MBALL. BALL SAVER This sets the time (in seconds) that the ball saver runs at the start of Highwire Multiball. R.MSTR. BALL SAVE This sets the time (in seconds) that the ball saver runs at the start of the Ringmaster multiballs (Frenzy, Razz and Special). ARC MBALL. SAVE This sets the time (in seconds) that the ball saver runs at the start of Strike An Arc multiball. JUGLE. MBALL. SAVE This sets the time (in seconds) that the ball saver runs at the start of Juggler multiball. NEON M.B SAVER This sets the time (in seconds) that the ball saver runs at the start of Neon multiball. RMASTER. EX.BALL This sets the number of Ringmasters which must be defeated to light Extra Ball. "BOOM" FOR E.B This sets the number of Boom Balloon hits to light Extra Ball. COPY CAT E/B This sets the number of correct sequences needed in the Copy Cat video mode to light Extra Ball. ALL M/B RESTART This will allow any multiball to restart if another multiball is started shortly after the first one ends. (Presently this only works when starting a Ringmaster multiball ...). Setting this to YES can allow all multiballs to run at the same time. RAMP DIFFICULTY This sets the number of ramp shots needed to start Strike An Arc multiball at the start of the game. "RING MEMORY" This allows the RING number to be carried from ball to ball. SIDE SHOW LIT This sets whether or not the Side Show is lit at the start of the game. SUPER JETS TIME This sets the time (in seconds) for which super jets (Boom Balloon) runs. POPCORN TIME This sets the time (in seconds) for which Popcorn Mania runs. ROONIE TIMER This sets the time (in seconds) for which the Amazing Roonie video mode runs. Set this to 'off' to disable the mode. CANNON MODE TIME This sets the time (in seconds) for which the Cannon Fire video mode runs. Set this to 'off' to disable the mode. HAT-TRICK TIMER This sets the time (in seconds) for which the Ringmaster Hat Trick mode runs. R/M HIT MODE TMR This sets the time (in seconds) for which Ringmaster mode runs, or 'OFF' to disable the timer. When timed, the player only has a number of seconds to defeat the Ringmaster; or shooting 'SPIN' increases the time. The mode ends when the time expires, and the player must spell WOW again to restart the mode. This timer is paused during any multiball. M/B STACK LOCKS This adjustment sets the number of multiballs for which locks can be stacked. Stacking locks means that 'lock 2' can be lit before ball one is locked. FIRST R/M DEFEAT This adjustment disables the first Ringmaster defeat (meaning that Frenzie will be awarded the first time the Ringmaster is defeated). MAGNET BALL SAVE This adjustment causes a short ball saver to become active when the Ringmaster magnet plays with the ball. MAGNET CATCH WOW Set this adjustment to 'NO' to stop the Ringmaster magnet from catching the ball once WOW is spelled. AC'BATS RAMP When set to 'HARD', the player will need to shoot the ball all the way up the Acrobats ramp to be awarded the shot. When set to 'NORMAL', the shot is awarded by the enter switch. SIMPLE SKL. SHOT Set this adjustment to 'NO' to activate the complex skill shot. When activated, the player can choose one award out of five to collect if the skill shot is made. LOW RM. BATLE. SCR. This adjustment lowers the scoring during the Ringmaster Battle mode. (Low scoring is active during tournament mode.) INLANE SPT. MRVL. Set this adjustment to 'NO' to stop Spot Marvel from being lit by the right inlane. QUICK ARC MBALL. Set to 'YES', the ramp magnet will no longer grab the ball if lock is lit (or Highwire Multiball is starting) at the same time as Strike An Arc multiball starts. FINAL MODE STEPS This adjustment controls the additional Join The Cirqus modes: - Normal: New modes are played the second time the player spells CIRQUS. - Reversed: The new modes are played the first time the player spells CIRQUS. - Random: There is a 50% chance that the new modes will be played the first time the player spells CIRQUS. FNL. STEP 5 SPINS This adjustment sets the number of spins needed to complete phase 5 of Join The Cirqus. FNL. STEP 6 GOAL This adjustment sets the number of points the player needs to score in order to complete phase 6 of Join The Cirqus. FLPRS. ABORT ANIM. This adjustment sets how the flippers abort long animations. ABORT ALL ANIM. Set this adjustment to 'YES' to allow all animations to be aborted, even the first time they are seen. NOTE: New players are significantly more likely to be confused when playing the game, if all the animations are skipped! PLYR TOURNAMENT This allows players to play the game in tournament mode by holding both flippers in attract mode. A.MODE MUSIC This adjustment sets the delay (in minutes) between music, in attract mode. A.MODE SOUNDS This adjustment sets the delay (in minutes) between sounds/speech, in attract mode. A.MODE FLPR. SNDS. This adjustment causes the flipper buttons to make sounds when pressed in attract mode. NEON OFF TIME This adjustment sets the 'off time' (or 'run time') for the neon tube in attract mode. NEON ON TIME This adjustment sets the 'on time' for the neon tube in attract mode. The tube will be turned on during attract mode so that it can better maintain a rich colour. PHYS. H/W LOCKS PHYS. JUG. LOCKS These adjustments can stop the physical locks from holding balls during a game. These do NOT disable the devices! The ball will still be diverted into the device, but it will not be held. GAMEOVER KICKOUT This adjustment controls how locked balls are kicked out at the end of a game: - Delay: After 1 minute. - Never: Balls are not kicked out. - Instant: Balls are kicked at the start of attract mode. - Early: Balls are kicked after the final bonus count. AUTO EDDY BOARDS Manual eddy sensor driver boards can be used installed if this adjustment is set to 'NO'. DIVRTR. M/B CHECK This controls how the diverter tries to free stuck balls. - Never: Diverter never tries to free stuck balls. - Normal: Diverter tires to free stuck balls when the ball count decreases to one ball in play. - Paranoid: Diverter tries to free stuck balls whenever the ball count decreases. BBOX. KICK DELAY This sets the delay for the back-box kicker. Set to 'OFF' to disable the backbox. RINGMASTER This can disable the Ringmaster device. DIVERTER This can disable the diverter device. "KNOCKER" VOLUME This sets the volume of the 'knocker' sound effect. The following are additional pre-sets. SPEEDY PLAY FLPRS. ABORT ANIM.: Instant ABORT ALL ANIM.: Yes MAGNET CATCH WOW: No QUICK ARC MBALL.: Yes GAMEOVER KICKOUT: Early "OLD" RULES R/M HIT MODE TMR: 20 MAGNET CATCH WOW: No SIMPLE SKL. SHOT: No 179
Flippersnack / Årsbok över svenskt flipper« skrivet: september 04, 2008, 13:35:37 »
Jo trångt är det väll i Boxholm men Martin och jag får snart en gemensam lokal att husera en del av våra spel i.Det får väll plats ca 17-18st + lite arkad om mdungan får bestämma å det får jag nog :-D så visst kan vi skriva en rad om den. 180
Köpes / K:SC tokens« skrivet: juli 31, 2008, 08:52:43 »
Cocs:Jo alla de ställen vet jag om men det är nytillverkade saker :/ jag vill åt beg original.