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Meddelanden - Pal

Sidor: 1 ... 34 35 36 37 38 ... 117
Vad gäller dataspel och varför LI inte agerar: Antagligen av exakt samma orsak som de aldrig har agerat mot flippertävlingar tidigare - det har inte funnits någon anmälan.

Jag vägrar att tro att LI inte har koll på att det har arrangerats flippertävlingar runtom i vårt land, både med och utan prispengar. Vi har ju inte smugit med det, utan öppet deklarerat det på diverse hemsidor och i pressen.

Jag tror bara att de, precis som Linde skriver, anser att de har viktigare saker att lägga tid, pengar och resurser på än flippertävlingar.

Men när en anmälan nu kom in så hade de inget annat val än att agera.

Tävlingar / Lotterilagen och prispengar
« skrivet: maj 25, 2011, 19:50:08 »
Jag tänkte som sagt ge mig in i en brottningsmatch med stora stygga staten i ett försök att få till en acceptabel lösning för att vi ska kunna arrangera flippertävlingar, med eller utan tillstånd. Det försöket kommer enbart att handla om automatspelslagen, som entydigt endast gäller om det inte finns några andra priser än frispel.

En av förutsättningarna för att det öht ska ha en chans att lyckas, är att vi håller lotterilagen utanför, av såväl lagtekniska som politiska skäl. Lotterilagen blandas in så fort man kan vinna pengar eller något med pengars värde. Jag kommer inte att ge mig i kast med lotterilagen, den striden får Aftonbladet, Unibet och grabbarna sköta själva.

Alltså skapar jag den här tråden där vi kan diskutera lotterilagen och prispengar, så slipper vi blanda äpplen och päron.

Min egen åsikt är att lotterilagen innehåller definitioner på automatspel som uttryckligen utesluter att den gäller flipperspel. Linde (och LI) håller inte med mig, utan tycker att motsatsen är solklar. Propositionen innehåller skrivningar som stöder deras åsikt, d v s som uttryckligen säger att lagen gäller även flipperspel.

Jag kommer som sagt inte att ge mig in i den fighten, men det hindrar ju inte att jag kanske ger mig in i diskussioner i den här tråden. Bara vi slipper lotterilagsdiskussioner i den andra tråden.

Hej Moderator!

Önskemål: Kan vi slå ihop den här tråden med och döpa den till t ex "Flippertävlingar utan krav på tillstånd" eller kanske kort och gott "Automatspelslagen" eller något liknande. Om inte trådskaparen Linde misstycker? Då kan vi använda den här tråden för det ärendet, och den andra (snart existerande) tråden för att prata om lotterilagen.

Sonar: Enligt LI:s hemsida så klassas dessa som just automatspel om de är öppna för allmänheten.

Linde: Om den här processen leder till att det slås fast att tillfälliga flippertävlingar inte behöver tillstånd, så kommer jag att kräva pengarna tillbaka eftersom LI hävdade motsatsen, och därmed kom med vilseledande information.

Jag tror iofs inte heller att vi får några pengar tillbaka, men det vore ju korkat att inte lägga in en begäran om det. Till och med i flipper kan man ju ha lite tur ibland.

Vad gäller lotterilagen: Jag kommer inte att blanda in lotterilagen i det här ärendet. Nu handlar det om att få tillståndsfrihet (eller en rimlig tillståndsprocess till ett rimligt pris) för flippertävlingar, vilket enbart handlar om automatspelslagen.

Dock hävdar jag fortfarande att lotterilagen innehåller en definition på automatspel som utesluter flipperspel. Jag är samtidigt mycket väl medveten om att propositionen inkluderar flipperspel, så då blir det ju en fråga om vilket som gäller - lagtexten eller förarbetet till densamma? Men det är som sagt en helt annan fråga, och den får någon annan ta strid för någon annan gång. Jag bryr mig inte så mycket om prispengar.

Vad gäller en torgaktion: Innan det går så långt, så kommer jag att grundligt undersöka vilka möjligheter som finns med LI:s nuvarande tolkning av reglerna. Jag kommer också att låta processen ha sin gång gällande en eventuell JO-anmälan eller liknande angående tillståndskravet för IFPA och BPP.

Om rättsläget därefter fortfarande inte är helt solklart, så blir det aktuellt med en torgauktion för att tvinga fram ett avgörande.

Som jag ser det så finns lite olika acceptabla alternativ för oss:

*) Fastslå att det inte behövs tillstånd för tillfälliga flippertävlingar utan prispengar.

*) Möjlighet att ansöka om tillstånd som bara gäller en eller några få dagar, till ett rimligt pris.

*) Möjlighet att ansöka om ett permanent ambulerande tillstånd, d v s oavsett lokal, så att vi kan köra alla våra tävlingar med ett och samma tillstånd.

Flippersnack / Media om BPP/IFPA-historien
« skrivet: maj 25, 2011, 16:58:41 »
TV4 Nyhetsmorgon på lördag, någon gång mellan 0800 och 1100.

PQ: Kooperativsamhälle med andra ord. Svenska Kennelklubben, LO,  Folksam, Jägarförbundet, Hem och Skola och HSB jublar. Lagar och regler som gäller olika beroende på vem du är, inte på vad du gör? Det kanske skulle lösa vårt specifika problem, men jag skulle sova dåligt resten av livet.

Jag tror för det första att vi kommer att få rätt gällande tillfälliga arrangemang. Och om inte det nu inte blir så, så tror jag att vi har stora möjligheter att få till en lagändring. Alla vettiga människor inser ju att dagens situation ger absurda effekter.

Tävlingar / IFPA8
« skrivet: maj 25, 2011, 02:34:53 »
De behövde bilden idag, och jag hittade till slut en som kändes lämplig.

Tävlingar / IFPA8
« skrivet: maj 24, 2011, 18:35:44 »
Jag behöver högupplösta bilder på Per när han spelar flipper! Någon som har?

Tävlingar / IFPA8
« skrivet: maj 24, 2011, 17:45:08 »
På TV4 Nyhetsmorgon på lördag kommer APB att lira lite LOTR (med extra easy settings) och prata lite flipper. Enligt TV4 handlar det om "0800 till 1100", men jag tvivlar på att de faktiskt låter honom spela spela färdigt partiet. Håll ögonen öppna.

Flippersnack / Officiell flipper i etern tråd
« skrivet: maj 24, 2011, 17:44:53 »
På TV4 Nyhetsmorgon på lördag kommer APB att lira lite LOTR (med extra easy settings) och prata lite flipper. Enligt TV4 handlar det om "0800 till 1100", men jag tvivlar på att de faktiskt låter honom spela spela färdigt partiet. Håll ögonen öppna.

Tävlingar / BPP5
« skrivet: maj 24, 2011, 16:51:00 »
Regarding the IFPA World Pinball Championships will be played as planned!

The National Gaming Board of Sweden has now officially announced that the Stockholm Pinball association has a license to put up 74 games at the Vårgårda Park during this weekend. This means that the tournament will be played as planned! We are very grateful that the gaming board came to this conclusion, and that they did it in time.

We will still NOT pay out any prizes, since this is explicitly forbidden in the license. Instead, the top 16 players in the championships will be the only ones invited to play in an exhibition tournament, probably in connection to next year's IFPA World Pinball Championships in Seattle. Hopefully this increased honor and glory will compensate for the lack of prize money. More information about this will be announced in the future.

There will not be any changes in the time schedule. All events will happen as scheduled, and as previously communicated on the web site.

Refund Policy

Since the conditions have changed, and there will not be any prizes, any players that decide to withdraw from the tournament will be fully refunded, and players from the reserve list will be called in instead. Please contact with details if you would like to be refunded.

We've naturally had a lot to do the last couple of days, and have not been able to recalculate the financials yet. Different aspects of the course of events have both increased (mostly the license application fee) and decreased (mostly the prize money) our costs. If the recalculation ends up in a significantly better financial situation, we will use this money for equal refunds to all players. More information about this will be announced in the future. If it ends up significantly worse, we will probably have to do the dishes at the local restaurants...

Balacs Pinball Party

There have been discussions about trying to play a mini-BPP during this week. A decision has been made not to do this, and to concentrate on the IFPA World Championships. Any other questions about the cancelled Balacs Pinball Party are best asked to Christian Balac himself.

Stockholm Pinball will continue to pursue the matter of licenses for pinball tournaments further, since we will not be able to pay this amount of money every time we arrange a tournament. More information about this will come as we proceed.

Patrik Bodin
Stockholm Pinball
IFPA Country Director, Sweden

Tävlingar / IFPA är Flipper VM (eller annars vad?)
« skrivet: maj 24, 2011, 16:50:37 »
Regarding the IFPA World Pinball Championships will be played as planned!

The National Gaming Board of Sweden has now officially announced that the Stockholm Pinball association has a license to put up 74 games at the Vårgårda Park during this weekend. This means that the tournament will be played as planned! We are very grateful that the gaming board came to this conclusion, and that they did it in time.

We will still NOT pay out any prizes, since this is explicitly forbidden in the license. Instead, the top 16 players in the championships will be the only ones invited to play in an exhibition tournament, probably in connection to next year's IFPA World Pinball Championships in Seattle. Hopefully this increased honor and glory will compensate for the lack of prize money. More information about this will be announced in the future.

There will not be any changes in the time schedule. All events will happen as scheduled, and as previously communicated on the web site.

Refund Policy

Since the conditions have changed, and there will not be any prizes, any players that decide to withdraw from the tournament will be fully refunded, and players from the reserve list will be called in instead. Please contact with details if you would like to be refunded.

We've naturally had a lot to do the last couple of days, and have not been able to recalculate the financials yet. Different aspects of the course of events have both increased (mostly the license application fee) and decreased (mostly the prize money) our costs. If the recalculation ends up in a significantly better financial situation, we will use this money for equal refunds to all players. More information about this will be announced in the future. If it ends up significantly worse, we will probably have to do the dishes at the local restaurants...

Balacs Pinball Party

There have been discussions about trying to play a mini-BPP during this week. A decision has been made not to do this, and to concentrate on the IFPA World Championships. Any other questions about the cancelled Balacs Pinball Party are best asked to Christian Balac himself.

Stockholm Pinball will continue to pursue the matter of licenses for pinball tournaments further, since we will not be able to pay this amount of money every time we arrange a tournament. More information about this will come as we proceed.

Patrik Bodin
Stockholm Pinball
IFPA Country Director, Sweden

Tävlingar / IFPA8
« skrivet: maj 24, 2011, 16:49:35 »
Regarding the IFPA World Pinball Championships will be played as planned!

The National Gaming Board of Sweden has now officially announced that the Stockholm Pinball association has a license to put up 74 games at the Vårgårda Park during this weekend. This means that the tournament will be played as planned! We are very grateful that the gaming board came to this conclusion, and that they did it in time.

We will still NOT pay out any prizes, since this is explicitly forbidden in the license. Instead, the top 16 players in the championships will be the only ones invited to play in an exhibition tournament, probably in connection to next year's IFPA World Pinball Championships in Seattle. Hopefully this increased honor and glory will compensate for the lack of prize money. More information about this will be announced in the future.

There will not be any changes in the time schedule. All events will happen as scheduled, and as previously communicated on the web site.

Refund Policy

Since the conditions have changed, and there will not be any prizes, any players that decide to withdraw from the tournament will be fully refunded, and players from the reserve list will be called in instead. Please contact with details if you would like to be refunded.

We've naturally had a lot to do the last couple of days, and have not been able to recalculate the financials yet. Different aspects of the course of events have both increased (mostly the license application fee) and decreased (mostly the prize money) our costs. If the recalculation ends up in a significantly better financial situation, we will use this money for equal refunds to all players. More information about this will be announced in the future. If it ends up significantly worse, we will probably have to do the dishes at the local restaurants...

Balacs Pinball Party

There have been discussions about trying to play a mini-BPP during this week. A decision has been made not to do this, and to concentrate on the IFPA World Championships. Any other questions about the cancelled Balacs Pinball Party are best asked to Christian Balac himself.

Stockholm Pinball will continue to pursue the matter of licenses for pinball tournaments further, since we will not be able to pay this amount of money every time we arrange a tournament. More information about this will come as we proceed.

Patrik Bodin
Stockholm Pinball
IFPA Country Director, Sweden

Tävlingar / BPP SHUTDOWN
« skrivet: maj 24, 2011, 16:48:36 »
Regarding the IFPA World Pinball Championships will be played as planned!

The National Gaming Board of Sweden has now officially announced that the Stockholm Pinball association has a license to put up 74 games at the Vårgårda Park during this weekend. This means that the tournament will be played as planned! We are very grateful that the gaming board came to this conclusion, and that they did it in time.

We will still NOT pay out any prizes, since this is explicitly forbidden in the license. Instead, the top 16 players in the championships will be the only ones invited to play in an exhibition tournament, probably in connection to next year's IFPA World Pinball Championships in Seattle. Hopefully this increased honor and glory will compensate for the lack of prize money. More information about this will be announced in the future.

There will not be any changes in the time schedule. All events will happen as scheduled, and as previously communicated on the web site.

Refund Policy

Since the conditions have changed, and there will not be any prizes, any players that decide to withdraw from the tournament will be fully refunded, and players from the reserve list will be called in instead. Please contact with details if you would like to be refunded.

We've naturally had a lot to do the last couple of days, and have not been able to recalculate the financials yet. Different aspects of the course of events have both increased (mostly the license application fee) and decreased (mostly the prize money) our costs. If the recalculation ends up in a significantly better financial situation, we will use this money for equal refunds to all players. More information about this will be announced in the future. If it ends up significantly worse, we will probably have to do the dishes at the local restaurants...

Balacs Pinball Party

There have been discussions about trying to play a mini-BPP during this week. A decision has been made not to do this, and to concentrate on the IFPA World Championships. Any other questions about the cancelled Balacs Pinball Party are best asked to Christian Balac himself.

Stockholm Pinball will continue to pursue the matter of licenses for pinball tournaments further, since we will not be able to pay this amount of money every time we arrange a tournament. More information about this will come as we proceed.

Patrik Bodin
Stockholm Pinball
IFPA Country Director, Sweden

Sidor: 1 ... 34 35 36 37 38 ... 117