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Borås Pinball Classic Open 2024 (2024-03-07 - - 2024-03-10)

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Kommer de gå att bpco kvala under månadstävlingen ? Eftersom Jag troligen inte hinner ner till 18


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Kommer de gå att bpco kvala under månadstävlingen ? Eftersom Jag troligen inte hinner ner till 18

Du kan hoppa in i månadstävlingen – det är en Target Matchplay! Om du inte är riktigt sen så alla redan gått vidare. Då går det bra att köra BPCO-kval.


  • Donator Silver
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  • Stad: Borås
General Information

Information regarding the different tournaments can be found here:

It is necessary to have a account. You will enter your own scores for the BPCO qualification.

The Venue
Pinballseye. Bryggaregatan 20, Borås. There is no number on the house where you enter (it’s not #18–20, but 50 meters further down the street. There will be a sign on the sidewalk.

If you come by car there is a large parking space at the end of the street. Fee 9–18 on Friday, 9–15 on Saturday, but free all Sunday.

You are allowed to bring your own alcoholic beverages. There will be limited sales of cider, beer – cash only (30 SEK) – and slush (with Vodka/Rum/Gin) – cash or card (50 SEK). If you want to buy your own, use the Systembolaget located on Allégatan 16 (close to most hotels). Open Friday 10–19 and Saturday 10–15.

Snacks, sodas, water, micro-pizzas, hot dogs etc can be bought on site by card payment.

Toilets: There are only two toilets so don’t stay too long n there (i.e. no Facebook reading) – and do absolutely not put any paper towels in the toilet – it will break down!

Lunch/dinner: There is a fabulous Sushi place just around the corner and a pizzeria quite near by. But more options are just a few hundred meters away.

There’s gonna be some side shows (Jaws Set the High Score etc) with pay to play (10 or 20 SEK) and 50% of the earnings to the winner. For these you will need coins. Just bring cash (bills) – we’ll have change (coins).

Guest WiFi: Quorra
Password: 12345678

There will be streaming of the event at:

The Machines
Generally, no ball saves. Some machines will have a short ball save because they can’t be turned off. Some multiball locks are set to hard and most Stern multiball ball saves are minimized. The tilts are overall quite liberal as it’s part of pinball skills to save balls.

Some WPC machines have custom (Søren) software. This will be announced on the backbox or on the lock down bar. As will any major changes to the factory settings.

Classic Machines for the BPCO will have 3 balls. All other classic machines, except where noted on the lock down bar, are set to 5 balls.


BPCO – Important information!  (room #3)
FORMAT: Best game qualification in two groups. 8 machines, 3 attempts per machine (3 balls per game). All 24 results count, but only the 200 best scores per game will award points. 48 players to playoffs (24 per group). Top 8 per group will get one bye. Single elimination, best out of 5 machines.

Players are responsible for entering their own scores via A score not entered will not give any points.
You will qualify in random pairs, but play SINGLE GAMES, sign each others score cards – two card per A4 paper – and return it to the reception in one piece. No score card turned in = both players are disqualified.

Non-ECS players can qualify for the BPCO from 16–24. If there are no queues, ECS-players that want to free up more time on Saturday, can also start their qualification.


BPCO (room #3)
Non-ECS players can qualify for BPCO until the Jaws Launch Party starts. If there are no queues, ECS-players that want to free up more time on Saturday, can also start their qualification.

At 22:00 the BPCO qualification continues as per above for those not playing Jaws Launch Party playoffs.

Jaws Launch Party (room #2 + #3)
Add and/or activate yourself through on the tournament computer before 18:00.

A roll call will take place at 18:00. Answer with a “Yes” when your name is called. If you are not in the list – make us aware of this before we start the tournament to be able to participate from the start. As we play for points, you can join later on, but will start with zero points. This also applies to players arriving later in the evening.

Tournament format: Target Match Play. The first 16 players to hit the target score advances to playoffs.

No practice play on tournament machines, i.e. machines in room #2 (ECS) and #3 (BPCO).


BPCO (room #3)
Non-ECS players can qualify for BPCO from 8–10 and 15–16. If there are no queues, ECS-players that want to free up more time on Saturday, can also start their qualification. As the ECS players qualification for the BPCO probably won’t take all five hours, the 15–16 will most likely be 13–16 so stick around if you need more time.

ECS (room #2)
The ECS groups will be finalised on Saturday morning and are subject to change until we start. Please register and pay your fee at the reception (the bar) from 8–9:30. You can also register any time on Thursday and Friday.
At 10 we will have a quick run through, but basically:
Head to head, Round Robin in four groups of 16. The higher seeded player chooses position. Top 8 per group advance (no byes), decided by number of wins. All other players will be ranked based on the number of wins in their group.
There will be a computer station per group with Matchplay.event running. Start from Round 1 (at the bottom of the screen). You can start the next round when your opponent and machine is available – but never skip more than one round!

Group A and C will start playing the ECS qualification. Group B and D will start the BPCO qualification (see format above).

ECS group A and B will play BPCO group A.
ECS group C and D will play BPCO group B.

Food break as soon as you are finished with your qualification and settling of ties. Be back at 16:00!

After lunch we switch groups:
Group B and C will play the ECS qualification. Group A and D will play BPCO qualification (see format above).

Dinner break as soon as you are finished with your qualification and settling of ties. Be back at 21:30!

ECS / BPCO playoffs
At 21:30 we will start playoffs for both ECS and BPCO. The ECS has priority, but if a match in BPCO is possible (i.e. none of the players are in the ECS or has a bye), play. If you are in both tournaments you will alter between them.

ECS (room #2)
The bracket for ECS will be at the reception in room #2. Enter your results after each machine played – this way people can follow the results live via

Each match will be a best out of seven machines. The higher qualified player will have choice of machine or position for the 1st game. In case of the same qualifying position (f.e. A3 vs C3), the higher ECS seeded player will have the choice. The match will alternate between machines chosen by each player, until someone has won 4 games. A machine may not be played more than once in the same match. Once a player verbally announces their game choice, or chooses position, that decision will be locked in and cannot be changed.

If a machine is busy, you can only wait for it if they are on the third (last) ball. Otherwise you will have to chose another machine. There will be around 32 machines to choose from.

Each player will have the opportunity for 30 seconds of practice time before starting every game of every match.

BPCO (room #3)
The bracket for BPCO will be in room #3. Enter your results after each machine played – this way people can follow the results live via

Each match will be a best out of five machines. The higher qualified player will have choice of machine or position for the 1st game. In case of the same qualifying position (f.e. A3 vs C3), the higher IFPA seeded player will have the choice. The match will alternate between machines chosen by each player, until someone has won 3 games. A machine may not be played more than once in the same match. Once a player verbally announces their game choice, or chooses position, that decision will be locked in and cannot be changed.

If a machine is busy, you can only wait for it if they are on the third (last) ball. Otherwise you will have to chose another machine. There will be around 24 machines to choose from.

Each player will have the opportunity for 30 seconds of practice time before starting every game of every match.

Remember that Bally machines are restartable from the start button so no need to restart the machine via the on/off switch.


ECS / BPCO playoffs – 9:00 (room #2 + #3)
At 9:00 we will continue playoffs for both ECS and BPCO. The ECS has priority, but if a match in BPCO is possible, play. If you are in both tournaments you will alter between them.

Sunday Cool Down – 10:00 (room #1)
Due to the new IFPA rules you can’t have WPPR points for a tournament if you exclude players, i.e. those still playing ECS/BPCO playoffs. But if all players agrees not claim a spot after the tournament starts it will be WPPR eligible.

To take part of this tournament, just add yourself to the computer located in room #1 before 10:00. There won’t be a roll call so make certain that you are added and activated!

FORMAT: Target Matchplay where the first 16 players to reach the Target score advances to the finals. Group match play with 7/5/3/1 scoring. Target point = 36 points. This allows players eliminated from ECS/BPCO to join as long as there is a chance to advance!
Playoffs: Progressive Strikes Knockout. This will allow players eliminated to go home early.

That’s about it. Welcome and be nice to each other and the machines!
