Jaså, ingen ny KISS-kod för att det finns risk för buggar.

- Reorganized the game logic that handles floating boxed scores to be consistent
within all the modes/multiballs that use this feature.
- Fixed a multiball bug where Front Row could fail to add the correct number of
balls back into play if the trough was busy keeping balls in play.
- Fixed a bug found in several modes where the game state was not being saved
properly for multi player games, i.e. upon draining the next player's mode may
not operate properly.
- Fixed a bug in Detroit Rock City where the game could set the Right Orbit as the
2X blinking arrow shot.
- Fixed a bug where mode select was available during the grace period of
Demon Multiball where a player could shoot the left scoop for a Back
Stage Pass add-a-ball award to restart the multiball.
- Fixed a problem where the game would reset the playfield multiplier at the
start of a ball even if the adjustment was set to retain earned multipliers.
- Fixed a problem where a shot into the Demon was being scored twice, i.e. once
by the entrance switch and once by the eject.
- Cleaned up code in Kiss Army Multiball that was needlessly saving the game state
from ball-2-ball.
- Fixed a bug where combo shots were not being awarded/multiplied correctly at
the Demon shot
- Fixed a bug where multiplied awards were not being multiplied at the Demon shot
when the award was given at the Demon entrance instead of the Demon Eject.
(This happened when the ball was restricted from entering the Demon Eject).
- Fixed a problem when a ball was kicked out of the Demon's mouth and exited the
game via the left outlane while the "Front Row" ball save feature was lit.
Under this circumstance, the system "Ball Save" takes precedence and tries to
immediately serve another ball into play, if possible. Otherwise, the game waits
for the ball to travel to the trough at which time a new ball will be kicked
back into play. The problem that occurred was that under these circumstances
the Ball Saver timed out between the time the ball exited the left outlane and
entered the trough.
- Fixed a problem with the roving shot award during Deuce. Once a roving
shot has moved the original shot/position is still available for a short
grace period. The game was incorrectly making a grace period shot/positon
available during portions of the mode when the shot was not roving.
- Fixed a problem where mode select was still active after the player plunged
the ball and inadvertently switched the selected song upon pressing a flipper
...+ mycket mer
Helt ärligt så är jag nog beredd att chansa. Kör några testpartier och är det inte totalt kaos så byt.