
sedan 2001

IFPAs uttalande om coronavirus och tävlingar


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    • Antal inlägg: 1129
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  • Stad: Götet
IFPA släppte följande uttalande på sin hemsida och på fb igår då flera större och mindre tävlingar redan ställts in. Jag lägger upp det här också ifall någon missade det.

As event organizers and tournament directors around the globe are facing decisions to hold, postpone, or cancel pinball events in light of the situation with COVID-19, the IFPA would like to express our support to players and organizers.
The decision to postpone or cancel an IFPA-sanctioned event is at the discretion of the event’s organizers in accordance with public health announcements and government regulations in each region. We are deeply appreciative of the energy and thoughtful consideration organizers are putting into these decisions amid some unprecedented circumstances. We also ask that players treat the organizers making these tough decisions with kindness and understanding.

The IFPA asks organizers and tournament directors to clearly communicate any plans to cancel or alter their events and keep their event websites as up to date as possible. We will work with organizers and tournament directors who want to cancel or reschedule events and will be flexible regarding changes to the IFPA calendar.

Given the tactile and interpersonal nature of our sport, we recommend that players take every precaution to minimize their own risk and the risk to those around them. The World Health Organization offers information and advice for the public, including basic protective measures. The American Centers for Disease Control and Prevention also has recommendations for steps to prevent illness and other resources on their website.

The IFPA is here to answer questions, offer guidance, and ensure that event cancellations have minimal impact on the continued enjoyment of competitive pinball.
