Nedan information är från Peter i Danmark.
Vi kan föranmäla två personer per täving, och anmälan via den här tråden (svara på frågorna allra längst ned) önskas senast 18/2.
Som jag förstår det så behöver man
inte föranmäla sig om man redan ska spela IFPA (för då kommer man att erbjudas en plats ändå),
Så vi kan ju köra de två högst rankade intressenterna per tävling (som inte redan har IFPA-plats vill säga)
Alla andra kommer att kunna anmäla sig ett par dagar efter dead line.
PRE-IFPA TOURNAMENTSAs you all have probably noticed, Denmark, via the Pinlab, is hosting
this years IFPA14 tournament.
But, no IFPA World Championship without a lot of pinball action on the
side, and for this, most of the greatest pinball venues in the greater
Copenhagen area have joined together to host a giant smorgasbord
of pinball festivities in the days leading up to the IFPA14, lovingly
called "The IFPA World Championship Week".
As is tradition, it has been decided that each country will be given 2
pre-registration slots for each tournament, which can be given to any
players the CD chooses. How and who you will let pre-register is
entirely up to you.
A pretty important note is that all players that are playing in IFPA14
tournament will have an excemption slot offered to them. So you need not
worry about your top-ranked players, they have already been taken care of.
On to the fun part, the practical information about the week
May 27th -> May 28th, The World Classic Open A two day "Classics Only" tournament, held in Hvalsø near Roskilde, with
a pristine collection of classic machines.
May 29th -> May 30th, Danish Pinball Open The already well established Danish Pinball Open has been moved from its
usual spot in October, and has been extended one day.
May 31st, The Retro Arcade Open The Retro Arcade in Glostrup, a treasure-trove of pinball machines,
opens its doors for a fast one day tournament, the day before IFPA14
kicks off.
And who knows what else might happen during this week of pinball?
The price for participation is 50€ for each tournament.
Required information:Name (First and last)
Sex [Female/Male]
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