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SM i Flipper 2014?

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Det är ju ett ganska allvarligt switchfel som dessutom är lättdömt. Men jag tycker ändå det ska tas bort, inte minst eftersom PAPA-reglerna säger så. Jag tycker absolut man skall hålla sig till dessa så mycket som möjligt i alla tävlingar. Anledningen är naturligtvis att det ska vara lika överallt, förvirringen blir ju total om varje land (eller stad, eller lokal, eller tävling) ska ha egna regler.


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Dessutom kompenseras inte felande virtuella kickback - vilket är helt inkonsekvent.


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Angående Lazarus som vi diskuterade och ändrade tidigare står det så här i PAPA-reglerna:

"Examples of this would include an unexpected software ball save, a ball that bounces back into play without player action, or a ball that comes to rest on an unlit kickback in the outlane (which will lead to a ball search, kicking the ball back into play). Any such behavior shall not be allowed if it repeats"

Så om jag ska stå fast vid att vi inte ska ha lokala regler bör jag väl tycka att endast en Lazarus/omgång är OK. Men vad ska då gälla under multiboll - där kompenseras man ju i mindre utsträckning för förlorade kulor, då borde samma sak gälla åt andra hållet, alltså obegränsaade Lazarus. Inte minst för att det kan vara svårt att se allt som händer på spelplanen.

(Men så "ofta" som man får Lazarus på nyare spel tycker jag egentligen PAPA-reglerna borde ändras. Tills det händer föreslår jag dock att vi håller oss till deras regler)


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hej vänner!! Jag är ju smått/stort dum i huvudet. Varje år när jag köper en almanacka så är det fullbokat i den.

Nu har jag försökt få till det med kval + drängpass på samma dag. Men det verkar som ni inte villa ha nån dräng i år.

Fan! Måste veta om jag ska förlusta mig med livets goda, eller vara dräng hos INK?
« Senast ändrad: oktober 23, 2014, 04:41:31 av MS »


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Skaffa en digital almanacka. Då kan du trycka ctrl-a + delete, och helt plötsligt har du sjukt gott om tid.


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PAPA- och IFPA-reglerna (vilket väl är de två regelverk vi har att förhålla oss till) är ganska lika på punkten Major Malfunctions.
Ingen av dem ger längre kompensation för enstaka icke fungerande kickbacks.

3. Major Malfunctions

A major malfunction is a gameplay problem with a machine that results in the premature loss of ball in play in a fashion that is not a normal feature of the machine’s gameplay. These may be unusual one-time events, or they may indicate a recurring problem that will need to be addressed by technicians.

Examples of major malfunctions include:

The bonus count begins while the ball is still in play. This can happen if, for example, the machine loses track of how many balls are in the drain trough.
A flipper or other major playfield feature ceases to function.

Note that unrepeated physical failures, such as kickbacks or balls jumping off ramps, do not qualify as major malfunctions. On the flip side, unrepeated beneficial malfunctions such as a ball bouncing back into play, or passing through the trough, are also allowed. This is the physical nature of pinball.

Any malfunction that results in the loss of one or more balls during multiball play, without losing all balls so as to end the player’s turn, will only be considered a minor malfunction. Loss of Tilt warnings, without loss of ball, shall not be considered a major malfunction. Loss of any lit feature, running mode, or other gameplay specifics, shall not be considered a major malfunction.

When a major malfunction occurs, it is the player’s responsibility to notify the scorekeeper, calmly and promptly. The scorekeeper will request advice from a tournament official. If the official(s) agree that the incident is a major malfunction, one of the following steps will be taken, in order of priority:

If the machine’s software supports adding balls to a game already in progress, a tournament official will add a ball to the game in progress and the affected player will complete their game. All other players will continue to play their game as normal, without skipping a ball.

If the major malfunction cannot be fixed without resetting the machine, the player’s score will be recorded and their game will be terminated and restarted. The affected player will continue their remaining balls on the restarted game and their score from the aborted game will be added to their total.  For example, if such a malfunction occurs on Ball 2 of a 3-ball game, the player will be given two new balls on a restarted game.  In multiplayer games, all players will receive the same compensation.

If the major malfunction can be fixed without resetting the machine, the player will be provided with one additional ball of play at the beginning of a new game, after the current game has been completed. The player’s total score on the additional ball will be added to his or her previous score, and the new game will be terminated.

In all cases, no attempt will be made to re-establish the state of the machine at the time of the major malfunction.

If a major malfunction occurs early in the play of the first ball by the first player, tournament officials may rule that the current game is voided and the score discarded. Machine repairs will be attempted and the player(s) will restart their play without needing to track the previous score.

In the event that two or more major malfunctions take place during the same game, the current scores of the player(s) will be recorded, and the game terminated. Once the machine has been repaired, players will be provided additional ball(s) of play on a new game, as necessary to provide the correct number of balls of play for each player. In the event that a recurring major malfunction cannot suitably be repaired, the failure must be treated as a catastrophic malfunction.

Under certain specific conditions, a major malfunction may be declined by the player. This must be approved by the tournament official, and must not result in a situation which provides an unfair advantage to the player.

3. Major Malfunctions
A major malfunction is a gameplay problem with a machine that results in the premature loss of ball in play in a fashion that is not a normal feature of the machine’s gameplay. These may be unusual one-time events, or they may indicate a recurring problem that will need to be addressed by technicians.
Examples of major malfunctions include:
The bonus count begins while the ball is still in play. This can happen if, for example, the machine loses track of how many balls are in the drain trough.
A flipper or other major playfield feature ceases to function.
Note that unrepeated physical failures, such as kickbacks, balls jumping off ramps, balls flying over flippers, or balls moonwalking into the outlane following a successful shot do not qualify as major malfunctions. This is the physical nature of pinball. (Please not that this rule differs from PAPA rules with respect to the way the IFPA handles balls that pass through the drain trough without registering)

Any malfunction that results in the loss of one or more balls during multiball play, without losing all balls so as to end the player’s turn, will only be considered a minor malfunction. Loss of any lit feature, running mode, or other gameplay specifics, shall not be considered a major malfunction. (Please note this rule differes from PAPA rules with respect to the way the IFPA handles the loss of tilt warnings caused by another player)
Loss of Tilt warnings, without loss of ball, shall not be considered a major malfunction. If the loss of Tilt warnings was caused by another player, please see the "Player Errors" section for how that situation will be handled.

Should a player lose a ball due to a flipper not engaging when the flipper button is pressed, or due to a flipper sticking in the held position when the flipper button is pressed, they should immediately notify a tournament official. The tournament official will attempt to recreate the problem by pressing the flipper button for up to 3 minutes. If the tournament official is able to recreate the problem, this will be treated as a Major Malfunction. If the problem is not able to be recreated, this will not be treated as a Major Malfunction and play will continue. If the game is in multiball play and one or more balls are lost as a result of this kind of issue, possibly ending multiball but not ending the ball in play, this will be considered no worse than a minor malfunction. (Please note this rule differes from PAPA rules with respect to the protocol the IFPA follows for confirming a major malfunction related to a flipper issue)

When a major malfunction occurs, it is the player’s responsibility to notify the scorekeeper, calmly and promptly. The scorekeeper will request advice from a tournament official. If the official(s) agree that the incident is a major malfunction, one of the following steps will be taken, in order of priority:
If the machine’s software supports adding balls to a game already in progress, a tournament official will add a ball to the game in progress and the affected player will complete their game. All other players will continue to play their game as normal, without skipping a ball.

If the major malfunction cannot be fixed without resetting the machine, the player’s score will be recorded and their game will be terminated and restarted. The affected player will continue their remaining balls on the restarted game and their score from the aborted game will be added to their total. For example, if such a malfunction occurs on Ball 2 of a 3-ball game, the player will be given two new balls on a restarted game. In multiplayer games, all players will receive the same compensation.

If the major malfunction can be fixed without resetting the machine, the player will be provided with one additional ball of play at the beginning of a new game, after the current game has been completed. The player’s total score on the additional ball will be added to his or her previous score, and the new game will be terminated.
Tournament directors may allow the player to play ball 3 or 5 of the new game, if that player has been denied certain features that are freely awarded by the machine. Examples of this include 'Double Bonus' balls on many EM machines, as well as pity Mist Multiball on Dracula should the player have not yet played one. The player’s total score on the additional ball of play will be added to his or her previous score, and the new game will be terminated. Tournament directors may attempt to re-establish the state of certain game features at the time of the Major Malfunction if the tournament directors feel this has a material impact on the results of the game/match in play. An example would include reaching Super Bonus on Bally games that carry this forward for future balls. (Please note this rule differes from PAPA rules with respect to the potential re-establishment of state on a machine, as well as the ability for a player to not necessarily play "Ball 1" on a new machine in all situations)
In the event that two or more major malfunctions take place during the same game, the current scores of the player(s) will be recorded, and the game terminated. Once the machine has been repaired, players will be provided additional ball(s) of play on a new game, as necessary to provide the correct number of balls of play for each player. In the event that a recurring major malfunction cannot suitably be repaired, the failure must be treated as a catastrophic malfunction.

Under certain specific conditions, a major malfunction may be declined by the player. This must be approved by the tournament official, and must not result in a situation which provides an unfair advantage to the player.
« Senast ändrad: oktober 23, 2014, 10:38:28 av MCR »


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"Varje år när jag köper en almanacka så är det fullbokat i den."
Du måste köpa en NYYY almanacka. Förra årets begagnade på myrorna funkar inte... ;-)

mr mic

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Fint det Micke! Men dagens tips är nog ändå att anmäla dig på istället


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PAL, äntligen!! Nu fattar jag var den vunna tiden är :)

INK, kommer det någon flipperhandlare i år, behöver några benuppsättningar.


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Hm, jag är ju synnerligen inkompetent när det gäller datorer. Valde main lördag 10:00, classics förstaval 13:00, andraval 16:00. men deessa tidder gick inte att ändra.

Tog ett mekpass 13:00, då blev jag rädd för era krav:

"Reparera trasiga maskiner. Tidigare erfarenhet av att reparera flipperspel är krav."

Men jag har bytt flippergummin några gånger.. så det kan nog gå bra..

Men ni kan laborerara om jag ska classica eller meka först, spelar mig ingen roll.

Edit: jag kunde inte fylla i Player ID 37
« Senast ändrad: oktober 25, 2014, 03:52:21 av MS »


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Jag kan ändra kvaltider åt dig, i själva databasen. Men säg inte det till nån, annars kommer alla att be mig mecka.

Volontärtider kan du ändra själv, genom att bara gå till och regga om dig en gång till


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Jag är hyfsat tyst :)

Mig spelar det ingen roll om jag classicar 13 eller 16 Vs mekar 13 eller 16. Ta det som passar er bäst.

Men när jag anmälde classic, kunde jag inte ändra mitt val, det var det jag reagerade över.

kör det som passar er. Jag är nöjd om jag kan riva av kval i båda grenar + ett drängpass på lördag.
« Senast ändrad: oktober 25, 2014, 04:09:58 av MS »


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Jag tror det har smugit sig in ett fel i spellistan på SM-sidan.
Det står att Joker Poker ska vara med, men det kan ju inte stämma eftersom det är ett ruskigt dåligt classicsspel.

Jag tror att ni egentligen försökte skriva Flash Gordon, men skrev lite fel.
Inte sant?!


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Står iofs 'Med reservation för ändringar.'?
