Har haft lite mer konversation:
I believe even though the practice session is Thursday night, we had Pre-IFPA tournaments on both Wednesday and Thursday of last year, so you can't really go wrong with either night. All things being equal I would do Wednesday night :-)
On Mon, Mar 14, 2011 at 5:57 AM, Christian Holmsten / INK <info@pinballseye.se> wrote:
Yes, the Pre-IFPA option sounds nice! :-)
I'm just trying to decide on which evening would be best - wednesday or thursday. Most Swedish players won't be able to come as they work all week and live too far away and most guys that only play IFPA (not BPP) won't arrive until thursday, but I've heard that there will be machine testing on loaction that evening so I'm leaning towards wednesday anyway - do you have any opinion?
/ C
Så det lutar väl åt onsdagen för tävling och så försöker jag hålla öppet hela veckan för "övningskvällar". Avvikande åsikter?
Det blir väl mest Göteborgare och annat närboende löst folk som kan komma loss, men det finns som sagt sovmöjligheter i lokalen för dem som ändå tänkte ta sig ner till Vårgårda på tordagen.