Det här:
"The qualification rounds (for both the Main Tournament and the Split Flipper Tournament) will begin on Friday noon, April 6th, continue on Saturday, April 7th, 10.00 - 01.00, and finally Sunday morning, April 8th, starting at 10.00. The qualifications end time somewhat depends on the final number of participants, but our estimation is that the qualifications will end around 13.00 on Saturday, April 7th. No more entries can be bought after 12.00. They will be followed by the split flipper finals, and then the main finals. The participants may choose to play their qualification entries at anytime during the qualifications. I.e. a player/team can choose not to play on Friday, April 6th, and even not to arrive in Stockholm until Sunday morning, April 7th...
Sjunde april är ju lördag i min kalender men jag tror kvalificering slutar på söndag åttonde april. Har jag rätt?