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Swedish Championship Series 2022 Final - LPA 27-29/1 2023


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  • Stad: Åkarp
English below

Det första slutspelet i Swedish Championship Series (SweCS 2022) kommer hållas hos LPA i Lund under helgen 27-29/1 2023. De 64 högst placerade spelarna, dvs de som oavsett nationalitet har samlat flest rankingpoäng på svenska tävlingarna under 2022 är kvalificerade. Vid eventuella avhopp fyller vi på från plats 65 och nedåt. Slutställningen i kvalet blir när IFPA ”låser” tävlingsåret 2022 i början på januari 2023. Denna tävling kommer ge hela 240% TGP!
Kvalet är round robin med 16 spelare i varje grupp. De sex bästa från varje grupp går till slutspel där placering 1-2 har en gräddfil. Slutspelet är man-mot-man, enkel eliminering, bäst av sju maskiner. Den högst placerade spelaren i slutspelet som inte redan har en plats kvalificerar sig till ECS-slutspelet i Schweiz (Rheinfelden) den 18-19/3 2023.

För aktuell ställning i SweCS se här

Förutom SweCS-finalen kommer det arrangeras ytterligare två tävlingar den här helgen där vi bjuder in fler deltagare vilket beskrivs nedan. SweCS-finalisterna är automatiskt anmälda till alla tre tävlingarna.

Den här tråden kommer vara låst och öppnar för anmälan till sidotävlingarna den 30/11 kl. 18:00. Det kommer finnas minst 20 extra platser till LPA Matchplay som börjar på fredagen liksom 20 platser till söndagens tävling. Det går att välja att vara med i bara en av dessa eller båda vid anmälan.


27-28/1 LPA Matchplay, TGP 160%, 84 deltagare
28-29/1 SweCS Final, TGP 240%, 64 deltagare
29/1 LPA Progressive Strike, TGP ca 120%, 64 deltagare

Var: LPA – Vårvädersvägen 4i, Lund. Endast ca 35 minuter med tåg från Köpenhamns flygplats.

SweCS 650 kr (för alla tre tävlingarna)
LPA Matchplay 200 kr
LPA Progressive strike 200 kr



Fredag 27/1
17:00 Dörrarna öppnas
17:30-18.00 Registrering
18-22:30 Kval LPA Matchplay
22:30-24 Kvartsfinal LPA Matchplay

Lördag 28/1
08:30 Dörrarna öppnas
08:45 Check-in Topp 8 LPA Matchplay
09-13 Semifinal och final LPA Matchplay
13:30-18:30 SweCS-kval
18:30-19.30/20 Mat
19:30 – 22:30 Extra tävling utan WPPR
20-22 Slutspel SweCs runda 1, placering #3-6/grupp

Söndag 29/1
08:30 Dörrarna öppnas
08:45-9:00 Registrering LPA Progressive strike
9-15 Kval LPA Progressive strike (ingen start av ny runda efter kl. 14:30)
09:15 Check-in Topp 16 SweCS
09:30-17:30 Slutspel SweCS fortsättning
15-18 Slutspel LPA Progressive strike


De 64 högst rankade i SweCS 2022-kvalet är automatiskt anmälda till SweCS finalen och de två övriga tävlingarna. Exakt vilka de är publiceras här när IFPA har ”låst” rankingen för år 2022 i början på januari 2023. Det kommer meddelas i denna tråd under december när detta datum. Du måste dock därefter bekräfta och behålla din plats genom att betala 650 kr senast den 12/1 via Swish till 0727204624 eller Handelsbanken, clearingnr. 6759,  kontonr. 602373778, betalningsmottagare Jan Anders Nilsson (glöm ej ange namn). Ni som bor utanför Sverige kan betala via paypal till När betalningen erhållits kommer det stå "bet" efter namnet i anmälningslistan. Uteblir betalningen kommer deltagaren efter detta datum ersättas av en betalande person på den upprättade reservlistan. Viktigt! Ni som befinner er på reservlistan måste också betala senast den 12/1 för att kunna ha en möjlighet att ta en ordinarie plats. Givetvis återbetalas startavgiften om du inte får en plats i tävlingen. Återbetalning vid avhopp efter den 22/1 görs endast om en reserv tar platsen.

Anmälan till sidotävlingarna LPA Matchplay och LPA Progressive Strike öppnar här den 30/11 kl. 18:00. Ange TAG, namn och IFPA ID samt vilka av tävlingarna det gäller. Det är samma princip och datum som SweCS gällande betalning, dvs betala senast den 12/1 för att ha en garanterad plats. Efter detta datum flyttas du till en ev. reservlista (betalinfo se ovan). Ingen återbetalning vid avhopp efter den 22/1.

Har du några frågor eller funderingar är det bara att maila till


The finals for Swedish Championship Series 2022 (SweCS) will be held at Lund Pinball Academy (LPA) in the city of Lund January 27-29, 2023. The 64 players from all countries with highest rank, i.e., earned most ranking points in Swedish tournaments during year 2022 will be qualified. If necessary, we will fill up the field with alternate players from spot 65 and downwards. Final qualification standing is when IFPA has “locked” the player ranking of year 2022 which is expected to be due beginning of January 2023. This final will give amazingly 240% TGP!
The qualification part is round robin with 16 players in each group. Top six players from each group advance to playoff where player 1-2 receive a bye. Playoff is Head-to-Head, single elimination, best out of seven games. The player with highest position in final standings, who not already has a spot, will automatically be given a spot in the ECS-final in Switzerland (Rheinfelden) 18-19/3 2023.

For current SweCS standing please see the link below

There will also be arranged two additional tournaments this weekend where other players are invited to attend. There are at least 20 extra spots available each. The registration for these two tournaments, LPA Matchplay and LPA Progressive Strike opens here 30th November 06:00 pm (CET). Please note, players qualified to the SweCS-final are automatically registered to all three tournaments. Details for these three tournaments will be presented in a separate post later. 


27-28/1 LPA Matchplay, TGP 160%, 84 players
28-29/1 SweCS Final, TGP 240%, 64 players
29/1 LPA Progressive Strike, TGP app. 120%, 64 players

How to get here: The city of Lund is located just 35 minutes by train from Copenhagen airport.

Address: Vårvädersvägen 4i, Lund, Sweden

SweCS-final (all three tournaments) 60€
LPA Matchplay 18€
LPA Progressive Strike 18€



Friday 27/1
17:00 Venue opens
17:30-18.00 Registration LPA Matchplay
18-22:30 Qualification LPA Matchplay
22:30-24 Quarterfinal LPA Matchplay

Saturday 28/1
08:30 Venue opens
08:45 Check-in top 8 players LPA Matchplay
09-13 Semifinal and Final LPA Matchplay
13:30-18:30 SweCS-qualification
18:30-19:30/20 Food break
19:30 – 22:30 Extra tournament without WPPR
20-22 Playoff SweCS Round 1, position #3-6/group                                                       

Sunday 29/1                 
08:30 Venue opens
08:45-9:00 Registration LPA Progressive strike
9-15 Qualification LPA Progressive strike (No start of new round after 2:30 pm)
09:15 Check-in Top 16 players SweCS
09:30-17:30 Playoff SweCS continued
15-18 Playoff LPA Progressive strike


The 64 highest ranked players in the Swedish Championship Series 2022 (SweCS) are automatically registered to the SweCS-final together with two additional tournaments that weekend. Final qualification standing is determined in beginning of January 2023 when IFPA has “locked in” ranking of pinball year 2022 and is published here. Important! You must confirm your spot by paying the registration fee no later than January 12th. Otherwise, your spot will be replaced by a player from the alternate player list. Payment (60€) is via Paypal to No refund after 22th January.

If you are not qualified but find your name on the Alternate player list and want to have a chance to attend, you must also pay the registration fee by 12th January. Of course, money will be refunded if no spot is available in tournament. 

Registration for the extra tournaments, LPA Matchplay and LPA Progressive Strike, opens here in this thread 30th November 06:00 pm (CET). Please let us know if you plan to attend both or just one of them. Write TAG, Name, IFPA ID and which tournament. You must pay the fee no later than January 12th to keep your spot. For payment details please see above. No refund after 22th January.

If any questions, please send an e-mail to
« Senast ändrad: november 28, 2022, 10:43:29 av JANI »


  • Hero Member
  • *****
    • Antal inlägg: 1549
    • Visa profil
  • Stad: Åkarp

1st    Viggo Löwgren - Paid
2nd    Arvid Flygare - Paid
3rd    David Dahl-Hansson - Paid
4th    Johnny Mårtensson - Paid
5th    Marcus Hugosson - Paid
6th    Jonas Valström - Paid
7th    Johan Genberg - Paid
9th    Mattias Borgström - Paid
10th    Thomas Mästerman - Paid
11th    Mattias Jeppsson - Paid
12th    Pontus Qvarfordh - Paid
13th    Tim Klaesson - Paid
14th    Aron Singh - Paid
15th    Linus Persson - Paid
16th    Johan Lööv - Paid
17th    Peter Franck - Paid
18th    Roger Karlsson - Paid
19th    Karyn Kiser - Paid
20th    Anders Carlsson - Paid
21st    Peter Andersen - Paid
22nd    Emil ED Dreiborg - Paid
23rd    Thomas Näslund - Paid
24th    Krister Skoglund - Paid
25th    Patrik Nilsson - Paid
26th    Risto Niemelä - Paid
27th    Mikael Lindström - Paid
28th    Fredrik Löwgren - Paid
29th    Ian Thomas Hawkesworth - Paid
30th    Tobias Kummel - Paid
32nd    Jan Anders Nilsson - Paid
33rd    Mike Christiansen - Paid
34th    Espen Andresen - Paid
35th    Mats Grehn - Paid
36th    Mikael Stockhaus - Paid
37th    Claes Wikner - Paid
38th    Casper Sorensen - Paid
39th    Erik Persson - Paid
40th    Johan Flygare - Paid
41th    Martin Arenlind - Paid
42nd    Niclas Eklund - Paid
43th    Henrik Persson - Paid
44th    Tony Möllerström - Paid
45th    Johan Karlsson - Paid
46th    Mats Runsten - Paid
47th    Fredrik Andersson (OGM) - Paid
48th    Janus Falhof - Paid
49th    Joakim Sjöblom - Paid
50th    Robin Kullberg - Paid
51st    Mikael Brorsson - Paid
53rd    Kristoffer Pålsson - Paid
54th    Michael Nilsson - Paid
55th    Joacim Rönnbom - Paid
56th    Rikard Tjärnström - Paid
57th    Hugo Kullberg - Paid
58th    Julian Falhof - Paid
59th    Magnus Lorentzon - Paid
60th    Edvard Kummel - Paid
61th    Evelina Pedersen - Paid
62nd   Olle Strandh - Paid
63rd    Joakim Sundberg - Paid
64th    Magnus Bech - Paid

+1 Mattias Nilsson - Paid
+2  Erik Rödén - Paid
+3 Izabelle Hugosson - Paid


1st Oscar Sundahl
2nd Markus Hiltunen  - Paid

« Senast ändrad: januari 25, 2023, 12:35:11 av JANI »


  • Hero Member
  • *****
    • Antal inlägg: 1549
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  • Stad: Åkarp
Registered Players LPA Matchplay

1. PUD, Patrik Andersson - Paid
2. TV, Tomi Virtanen, 37656
3. FYP, Andreas Ekelund 15915 - Paid
4.MAT, Mattias Nilsson, 2479 - Paid
5.Luukas Marttinen, 22542
6. Sebastian Mertins, 76542 - Paid
7.Theo Skytte - Paid
8.OSC, Oscar Sundahl, 82436 - Paid
9. Marcus Jeppsson - Paid
10. Mads Kristensen - Paid
11. Stefan Olsson, SOL, 63828 - Paid
12. Kristina Dyrvold Flygare - Paid
13. Markus Hiltunen  - Paid
14. LAJ - Paid
15. BOM - Paid
16. Anton Vlassiouk - Paid

Registered Players  LPA Progressive Strike

1. PUD, Patrik Andersson - Paid
2. TV, Tomi Virtanen, 37656
3. FYP, Andreas Ekelund 15915
4.MAT, Mattias Nilsson, 2479
5.Luukas Marttinen, 22542
6. Izabelle Hugosson - Paid
7.OSC, Oscar Sundahl, 82436
8.Markus Hiltunen - Paid
9.Helma Wierda -Paid

« Senast ändrad: januari 27, 2023, 14:44:24 av JANI »


  • Hero Member
  • *****
    • Antal inlägg: 1549
    • Visa profil
  • Stad: Åkarp



Eight rounds of 4-player groups on one game. Points awarded 7-5-3-1. Top 16 players advance to playoff. If players end up on the same number of points, a tie breaker will be played on a random machine when it’s for qualification.


4-player groups on four games. Highest seed in the group choose position first on the first game, then next seed etc. Start order on next game is the same as finish position on the previous game. Best two players advance to next round. Tiebreaker to advance if same points.



Seeding of finalists

Once all participants are finalized, the 64 players will be seeded based on their SweCS rankings position (In the event that any players are tied with the same amount of SweCS WPPR points, we will look at the overall WPPR rank of those players as of the end of that calendar year).

Machines Used

The games in each machine bank will consist of six modern and two classic games. The four machine banks will be official 1-2 weeks before start of tournament. However, the paring of player groups and machine banks will be disclosed on the morning of the qualification rounds.

Qualifying Format

Head-to-head, Round Robin in four groups of 16. We will use Matchplay. The software chooses the starting position of the players. Top 6 per group advance, decided by number of wins. All other players will be ranked based on the number of wins in their group.

If players end up on the same number of points, a tie breaker will be played on a random machine when it’s for a bye or qualification. The starting position in the tie break will be chosen by coin toss.

Group pairings

Group A (1,8,9,16,17,24,25,32,33,40,41,48,49,56,57,64)
Group B (2,7,10,15,18,23,26,31,34,39,42,47,50,55,58,63)
Group C (3,6,11,14,19,22,27,30,35,38,43,46,51,54,59,62)
Group D (4,5,12,13,20,21,28,29,36,37,44,45,52,53,60,61)


Players will be placed in a single elimination bracket. Top 2 qualifiers from each group will receive 1 bye.

First round pairings are as follows:
A3 vs. D6, A4 vs. D5, A5 vs. D4, A6 vs. D3
B3 vs. C6, B4 vs. C5, B5 vs. C4, B6 vs. C3

Second round pairings are as follows:
A3/D6 winner vs. C2
A4/D5 winner vs. C1
A5/D4 winner vs. B1
A6/D3 winner vs. B2
B3/C6 winner vs. D2
B4/C5 winner vs. D1
B5/C4 winner vs. A1
B6/C3 winner vs. A2

Third round pairings are as follows:
A1/C4/B5 winner vs. B2/D3/A6 winner,
B1/D4/A5 winner vs. A2/C3/B6 winner,
C1/A4/D5 winner vs. D2/B3/C6 winner,
D1/B4/C5 winner vs. C2/A3/D6 winner,

Fourth round pairings are as follows:
A1/B2/D3/C4/B5/A6 winner vs. D1/C2/A3/B4/C5/D6 winner
B1/A2/C3/D4/A5/B6 winner vs. C1/D2/B3/A4/D5/C6 winner

Two winners of round 4 play for the IFPA Swedish Championship Series Pinball Championship.

Two losers of round 4 play in the consolation Final for 3rd/4th place.

Each match will be a best-of-seven games. The higher qualified player will have choice of machine for the 1st game out of available machines, i.e., no one is playing on that machine. If players have the same seed (from different groups) the highest rank in SweCs standing has first choice. Important, each player must choose one Classic machine out of the two first choices and not more than one classic machine/player/match. The match will alternate between machines chosen by each player, until someone has won 4 times. A machine may not be played more than once in the same match. Once a player verbally announces their game choice, that decision will be locked in and cannot be changed.
The winner of the match advances to the next round, while the loser is eliminated.

The 3rd/4th place Consolation Final will be played as a best-of-five instead of a best-of-seven like all other rounds, using the same rules.



10 strikes or 6 hours (which happens first) Progressive Strike Knockout in 4-player groups. Top 16 players advance to Playoff. No new round after 2:30 pm. Play tiebreaker if necessary.


Head-2-Head, best out of three on randomly chosen games. Highest seed choose position on game 1 and 3.

« Senast ändrad: november 22, 2022, 14:51:51 av JANI »


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  • Stad: Åkarp
Här är de preliminära maskinbankerna. Små justeringar kan förekomma men meddelas i denna tråden.

Jurassic park Pro
Metallica Pro
Iron Maiden Pro
Monsterbash R LE
Attack from Mars
Dirty Harry
The Amazing Spider-Man
Dolly Parton
No Fear (Reserv)
Pinball Pool (Reserv)

Godzilla Pro
Spider-Man Vault
X-Men Pro
The Shadow
Indy 500
Bram Stoker´s Dracula
Flash Gordon
Star Trek Pro (Reserv)
Joker Poker (Reserv)

Deadpool Pro
Guardians of the Galaxy Pro
World Cup Soccer
The Getaway: High speed II
Demolition Man
Roller Disco
Twilight Zone (Reserv)
Black Jack (Reserv)

AC/DC Luci
Iron Man Vault
Avengers IQ Premium
Mousin Around
Road Show
Harlem Globetrotters
Corvette (Reserv)
Hotdoggin (Reserv)
« Senast ändrad: januari 23, 2023, 08:27:35 av JANI »


  • Hero Member
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    • Antal inlägg: 1549
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  • Stad: Åkarp
Grupp A
Viggo Löwgren
Mattias Borgström
Thomas Mästerman
Peter Franck
Roger Karlsson
Patrik Nilsson
Risto Niemelä
Espen Andresen
Mats Grehn
Niclas Eklund
Henrik Persson
Robin Kullberg
Mikael Brorsson
Magnus Lorentzon
Edvard Kummel
Izabelle Hugosson

Grupp B
Arvid Flygare
Johan Genberg
Mattias Jeppsson
Johan Lööv
Karyn Kiser
Krister Skoglund
Mikael Lindström
Mike Christiansen
Mikael Stockhaus
Martin Arenlind
Tony Möllerström
Joakim Sjöblom
Kristoffer Pålsson
Julian Falhof
Evelina Pedersen
Erik Rödén

Grupp C
David Dahl-Hansson
Jonas Valström
Pontus Qvarfordh
Linus Persson
Anders Carlsson
Thomas Näslund
Fredrik Löwgren
Jan Anders Nilsson
Claes Wikner
Johan Flygare
Johan Karlsson
Janus Falhof
Michael Nilsson
Hugo Kullberg
Olle Strandh
Mattias Nilsson

Grupp D
Johnny Mårtensson
Marcus Hugosson
Tim Klaesson
Aron Singh
Peter Andersen
Emil ED Dreiborg
Ian Thomas Hawkesworth
Tobias Kummel
Casper Sorensen
Erik Persson
Mats Runsten
Fredrik Andersson (OGM)
Joacim Rönnbom
Rikard Tjärnström
Joakim Sundberg
Magnus Bech

« Senast ändrad: januari 25, 2023, 08:27:18 av JANI »


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  • Stad: Åkarp
Now updated with tournament details and increased TGP for LPA Matchplay and SweCS Final.


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Just a reminder that the registration for LPA Matchplay and LPA Progressive Strikes Knockout opens on Wednesday 30/11. Note! No need for registration if you are qualified to the SweCS final.

Current standings SweCS

Edit: Added standings.
« Senast ändrad: november 28, 2022, 11:19:15 av JANI »


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