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WPPR-ändringar till 2024


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Någonstans på vägen försvann det roliga i att åka på flippertävlingar, och vägen tillbaka till att möjligen skulle kunna uppskatta det igen känns bara längre och längre.


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Att sträva efter en så rättvis ranking som möjligt känns rätt så länge det inte leder till att personer deltar i mindre antal tävlingar pga optimering av rank.

Efter att ha läst på lite om nya förslagen och funderat lite, så dyker två frågeställningar upp:

Är det korrekt tolkat att ingen vägning eller hänsyn till motstånd kommer att tas vid beräkningen av eff % för respektive tävling? Har det bara helt utelämnats?

Är topp 1000 verkligen rimligt när det kommer till att grunda nivå för "normal wpprtunity"?
Min känsla är att personer högre upp i ranken reser och tävlar betydligt mer (givetvis bara generellt och finns säkert många undantag).

Hoppas så klart det faller ut väl, men är inte jätteimponerad av deras senaste ändring där 200% nu är det nya 100%. Så förblir aningen skeptisk...
Roger "ROK" Karlsson


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Jag fattar inte vad alla gnäller för. Spela flipper är roligt och jag tycker det är bättre att det blir lite som förr nu med en main och en side-tävling.
Stay cool, Daddy-O


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Hehe här gnälls inget, hade två funderingar och uttryckte ett missnöje med senaste ändringen. Är väl tur att inte alla tycker lika  ;)
Roger "ROK" Karlsson


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Lite uppdateringar och hur det kommer se ut preliminärt nästa år

Inte med här men det har snackats lite om att för topp 250 kommer svårighetsgraden på motståndet räknas med i efficiency-procenten också.

Since the release of WPPR v5.8 for the 2023 season, the IFPA has continued investigating ways to make the World Pinball Player Rankings more accurate for how we rank players across the globe.

Accuracy has been a topic of hot debate ever since the first World Pinball Player Rankings were posted back in February 2006, with many complaints about the fairness of trying to compare players from around the globe where the access and opportunity to compete in IFPA sanctioned events vary so greatly.

WPPR v6.0 is primarily focused on trying to answer a systemic problem regarding the advantages of access and privilege that certain players have at their disposal, giving themselves more opportunities to compete in IFPA sanctioned events and earn WPPR points towards their ranking at a level that is above and beyond their peers. There’s privilege when it comes to players that live close to more opportunities, and privilege when it comes to players that can afford to travel and create those opportunities for themselves. Ultimately this leads to situations where the accuracy of players we’re attempting to rank is flawed due to the inconsistent level of opportunities some may have over others.

These latest changes will be incorporated into WPPR v6.0 which will be implemented starting January 1, 2024.

Creation of the “WPPR PRO” rankings
This ranking will analyze to what extent the results making up that player’s ranking are a representative sample of all the active results over the past 3 years on that player’s profile. To the extent that it is representative, your relative rank will go up. To the extent that it is not representative, your relative rank will go down. More details on the “WPPR PRO” formula can be found HERE.
The “WPPR PRO” rankings will be limited to the top 250 players ranked in the World Pinball Player Rankings ‘Main’ system, and the top 100 players ranked in the World Pinball Player Rankings ‘Women’s’ system.

The “WPPR PRO” rankings will be the metric that is officially used for IFPA World Pinball Championship qualifying and seeding, along with who we crown as the “World’s Greatest Pinball Player” for finishing in the #1 spot.

Reduction in the number of events that count towards a player’s world ranking.

Reduced from 20 events down to 15 events.

IFPA North American Championship Series will remain at 20 events counting in those standings.

Dynamic portion of the WPPR Point Distribution formula will be changing. The dynamic distribution will stretch to anyone that finishes in the top half of the field regardless of the number of players at the event (previously this was capped at the top 64 players for any events with more than 128 participants).

The IFPA will be implementing a $1 sanctioning fee for Women’s events in North America starting in 2024.

Update to eligibility requirements for events to grade out to 200%

Previously the finals format must include an elimination format that includes a minimum of 10% of the participants to be eligible. This elimination format must include a round where a maximum of 4 players remain. We are adding the requirement that any meaningful tiebreakers to either receive a bye, advance to finals or advance through rounds within finals cannot be done through an automatic tiebreaking process. These tiebreakers must be played out.

Please don’t hesitate to contact us at with any questions. Check back when we announce that WPPR v6.0 has been implemented for 2024 as details are subject to change prior to launch.

« Senast ändrad: juli 05, 2023, 14:23:58 av DDH »
